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Kyle Lake

Retired Coordinator
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Everything posted by Kyle Lake

  1. The Winners Are... 1st Place: Plague (Time on Cap 31:12) 2nd Place: Blackwater Inc (Time on Cap 24:16) 3rd Place: Tree (Time on Cap 3:40) Thanks to all the other gangs that showed up to fight, I hope everyone had fun. We would like to do more of these in the future, but would like your suggestions/ideas on how to make it better. Feel free to leave your ideas down below.
  2. An hour or so, Really depends on how long these guys will want to fight it out.
  3. The event start time will not be changed, it will be this Saturday at 2pm EST. If you can not make it don't worry if this goes good there will be more events like it in the future.
  4. They need to wear gang tags, and I will be watching...
  5. Anyone against pushing the event back till Sunday the 27th at 2pm EST?
  6. If people start camping rebels during the event to troll the event I will step in.
  7. You will have to buy your own loadouts.
  8. What does everyone else think about this?
  9. Hey Olympus! @DeadPooL is wanting to run a cartel event! This cartel event will be held on server 3 at 2pm EST this Saturday 1/26/19. Whichever gang holds a cap for the longest wins. There would be a timer and count for how long a gang holds a cap. Whoever holds the most caps for the longest wins. There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. The Cap to hold will rotate between OG, Church, and Peninsula. The reward will be based off of how many gangs show up for the fight. First place gang could potentially win 15mil+Comp'd Loadouts. RnR will be allowed to come to war-zone/cartels. Rules: APD will be restricted from entering during the event No Tasers No Armed vehicles No Groups, Gang Only Must wear Gang Tags No more than 12 Players per team Must have half your gang on Cap for it to count If Contested the gang with the most members on cap get the points If anyone has idea to make sure the event is fun for everyone please let us know down below.
  10. I am always the Captain
  11. I wish @Childish had this when he started playing with us. He is still shit, And edits my comment to make it look like he is good!
  12. So I bought a $20 Gift Card Code thing for xbox when I didn't need it. Who wants it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Richard


      Kyles trying to buy friends, and only got 2 inquiries

    3. Childish


      give it to me and ill give it to the future cordinator :Kappa:

    4. Mighty


      I vote for kyle to never be kos ever again. Ill take that code now :)

  13. Congrats on Supervisor @RDyer216!

    1. Richard


      Thanks for the Knee Pads

  14. Proper spelling and grammar in the title and post is a good start.
  15. o7 @Childish you were a great Supervisor

  16. Happy New Year Everyone! I hope everyone has a great 2019. I hope everyone had fun during the purge event as well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GregoV1


      I thought that jet was lethal. I put on Russian hard bass and everything to gun down Kavala and I was let down. At least I blew up tons of buildings :)

    3. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      8 minutes ago, draMa said:

      Kyle it’s only 10pm by us, don’t feed in to the east coast bias

      Its a New Year some where!

    4. Millennium


      15 minutes ago, draMa said:

      Kyle it’s only 10pm by us, don’t feed in to the east coast bias

      East Coast Beast Coast

  17. Getting those Revives.


    1. Richard


      Get on my level

    2. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      Once that red name is gone I will pass you up with ease

    3. MAV


      1 hour ago, Kyle Lake said:

      Once that red name is gone I will pass you up with ease

      Kyle always red name in Kavala.. :D

  18. Congrats on Senior Support@Rossco, You are still a bad Medic tho.

  19. It was hard to narrow it down, But out of 24 applicants @Claysive was chosen. Congrats Clay you deserved it more than @Prime did!


    For those who did not get promoted do not worry it took me 3 times to get Supervisor.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. bigSMOKE


      @Arigato if only it was true though, keep taking your free handouts leach 

    3. Arigato


      @bigSMOKE big talk coming from someone who rode haiwoods coat tails ecksdee. don't worry, I still remember you talking about how your dad doesn't love you, probably was the same night you said you were 14 and lied about your age on your apd app :thinking-face_1f914:

    4. bigSMOKE


      @Arigato Sure thing friend lol, say whatever you please 

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