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Everything posted by Theory

  1. Can someone tell me if this community likes edit's in the montages like cinematic's, slow motion, synced music w/kills? Or just plane out music with clips.
  2. Yeah I've recently noticed this type of behavior from CivRep DeadPool while I was patrolling on cop.
  3. 9:11 After watching that clip 3 times over, I realized it was me.
  4. happy birth day @Viper

    1. Viper


      Thanks man :) 

  5. gay im god tier editor^
  6. @Kevlar Give me my mill you sweet thing.
  7. You're literally fried as fuck lol You don't have videos because it never happen'd, stop trying to attack others who actually are whitelisted to play, I bet you're blacklisted
  8. Spreading lies doesn't gain anything you career key pusher
  9. shut up you window key pusher, they didn't ask for shit lmao
  10. @Trump24 Is an example of one
  11. Whenever you get un-tazed, you're down to 10HP so what was said earlier, "Certain damage dealt will taze you", perhaps it's 90 damage = taze?
  12. I love it man, is there a better quality picture of this anywhere else that I can take a look at? Should try centering the mascot with the text.
  13. you can get me vip with your salary
  14. Oh sweet you got Civ rep, I wanna see HQ take over happen right away as quick as you can, we should be able to save gang members from going to prison with an actual chance, it's almost impossible with the fact that they can respawn on the same HQ that has rebels raiding it already, if you weigh it in, the rebels are risking their bounty's and loadouts, while the APD. The Apd in-fact, does not give two. shits. It's rush, die, respawn and try again.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. -dante-


      To be clear here, the IDEA was approved. We still have to work out all the finer details and come to an agreement in a staff meeting including staff and civ reps before this will even begin to be implemented. So, you can expect it, but not too soon. 

    3. DashTonic
    4. DeadPool


      @TheCmdrRex let’s make a deal I’ll trade my shekels for your .338 suppressor :DPEducated:

  15. Pretty sure it's like 1.5-2mill
  16. Eden Editor
  17. Mar-10 Tazer
  18. It's like you read a book and added a beat, no real feeling to it, basically sounding brain dead while rapping.
  20. Where did you get this charge from
  21. I'll take advantage of you
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