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SWAT Commander
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Everything posted by Lucien

  1. @PFC Jake surviving another ban wave unstoppable

  2. Lucien


    PPG/JG homie ved
  3. @PFC Jake stop ddossing the server

  4. idk bat & the boys were cleaning that bitch out every day
  5. Better paint skills than genry

  6. Happy Birthday @Lorax. The best boyfried anyone could ask for. uwu Screenshot_20190326-200530_Snapchat.jpg?width=227&height=467

    hope you get some easy money from the chinese government spying on international students!

  7. Lucien

    Oh Hello

    did you ever find an rp guild
  8. Was pretty good lots of time chilling in the sun, how about you Mason?
  9. don't talk about my boyfriend like that you fucking virgin
  10. Happy Birthday fellow 20 year olds @Ryan @TheCmdrRex

  11. Breaking news asylum is covering up a pedophile staff member 





    Screenshot is between a transgender web dev staff member (Wolf) and a now-Admin member of the community

    1. Bloodmoon


      Asylum forums are absolute dogshit. That is all.

    2. Bag Of Funyuns

      Bag Of Funyuns

      Is it gay if a transgender sleeps with a girl or is it normal?

    3. Trimorphious


      wow what are the odds we have a trans web dev too

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