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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. testing stream for gw

  2. Which is good
  3. It’s real and a problem we need to tackle immediately I’m pretty sure most “communities” agree on it https://www.google.com/amp/s/climate.nasa.gov/evidence.amp
  4. so did i get accepted for swat

    1. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      At this time we are going to have to decline your SWAT application. There are many factors that we use when deciding on who we allow to become a SWAT member and at this time there are some concerns. You are free to re-apply down the road if you like but bear in mind we do hold our SWAT members to higher standards then normal players.

  5. Now that we potentially have people wanting to play less cop we should focus on civ buffs instead of apd nerfs. you can put apd in the dirt but that doesn’t automatically make those players play civ. constant apd nerfs can lead to players leaving because their favorite faction is completely weak and they don’t like civ. im not saying I think this is a change in the wrong direction because I do think it’s a good change but instead for future ideas
  6. Apd boss battle
  7. Need more daylight ingame and irl

  8. o7 @Rossco 

    The revolution has begun


    congrats @1thedoc

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. billdroid


      More of a rat than the American colonists. Fucking traitors

    3. North_


      100 percent something the support team lead should be saying^

    4. maxg


      my mans @NokiaStrong out here doxing :kappa:

  9. Anyone found any really good deals?
  10. Unplayable despite being one of the easiest ways and wealthiest ways on the server
  11. I want to be in the giveaway
  12. I want to be in the giveaway
  13. so what happened to plague

  14. Just make all designers kos and staff of the poll
  15. all design team should be kos só people can get their anger out
  16. Hey dude can I have free college

    1. Bernie Sanders

      Bernie Sanders

      Once I make it in the White House that Is a possibility.

  17. Both runner ups are sr apd
  18. Typically Server one has more server pop
  19. dont forget about "the game" guys

  20. @Viper I need some spending money. Where my 10 mil

    1. Creepy


      @destruct you know what to do here..

    2. Page


      what happen 2 the giveaway

    3. Viper


      I was told I cant give my paypal out to people anymore

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