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Everything posted by GregoV1

  1. I'll give yo 5 cents for the dp23 large house
  2. @falcon happy birthday you some bitch

    1. falcon


      thank ya qt <3 :wub:

  3. Congrats @codeYeTi now I can resume crashing your orcas ;)

  4.  Congrats @snipeZ and @Chickenlittle IM HAPPY FOR BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!!!!

  5. Atleast I'm a corporal instead of some cringy Po
  6. https://gyazo.com/a005522beb4a8558a841b92e089011f8 Offer below
  7. There are only two genders. CHANGE MY MIND

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GregoV1


      The T H I C C C  gender


    3. monster


      ill change your mind by showing you, theres this really cool gender called Alien, and im ready to stick my 15 inch alien dick in your belly button nigga

    4. Skys


      2 hours ago, MonsteReZ said:

      ill change your mind by showing you, theres this really cool gender called Alien, and im ready to stick my 15 inch alien dick in your belly button nigga

      Your dad needs to beat you more often 

  8. o7 @Julian Imma miss you pal

  9. @Tb:) Happy birthday my boy, please come back soon 

  10. @King and @Doc happy birthday boys!!!

  11. I "forget" to lock my vehicles when doing a hostage situation so if you run up to my vehicle, it might be unlocked so you can snatch my mxm and pay me later. ps - this is a fucking joke
  12. Happy birthday Hurribot ^_^

  13. Happy birthday you some bitch!!!! @Scribble ^-^

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