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Status Replies posted by GregoV1

  1. 2 days in, and I can already tell the Civilian Council is gonna be the best thing that ever happened to you Rebel scum. Some of the best ideas I have ever read are coming from these guys. Thanks for the free content! 

  2. Add a new role that gets paid to defend rebel against vigis

  3. When vigis camping warzone rebel cost us an APD hawk :(

  4. i was just told this: "if you're not building a future, that's because you don't believe there is a future"


  5. @Peter Long Thanks for being our owner. You are the best. Also fuck @DeadPooL

  6. Also, @Peter Long is the best owner ever. 

  7. In Game Name/Previous Names :[K] Wi Tu Lo

    Steam Profile URL :https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198322427430/

    Previous Gangs : [K] aka Kuck

    Hours on Olympus : 430+

    Hours on Arma 3 (MUST PROVIDE SCREENSHOT) :https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198322427430/screenshots/#scrollTop=0            It is shown in my most recent screenshot.

    Cartel Experience : High

    Age :15(please still consider)

    Vouches : Don't know what to put here. Can answer through steam if necessary.

  8. Follow for Follow?

  9. When you get admin on an Arma role play server. Women ain’t shit


  10. Shocking Twist!! OS are the hackers


  11. Fallout 69 (Olympus circa 2098 colorized)


  12. APD wins again 


  13. why does this kid sound like @Justi


  14. Senior APD meeting going on right now, send me pizza for corporal. :wub: 

  15. Senior APD meeting going on right now, send me pizza for corporal. :wub: 

  16. so uhhh can we start doing events during a sociable time for us eu players, not really fair how I cant participate since they are usually held at like 2am for me...

  17. Where the hell is loadout saving @Peter Long @ikiled @Fusah

  18. Asking for a friend, lockpicking stuff on medic, yay/nay? :Kappa:

  19. destiny two anyone


  20. Taco Bell, Sonic or Jack in The Box boys hurry up and help me

  21. Opinion: money made from plane runs should go into your bank account. 

    Reason: I would have to go to an atm every time to secure my 40k profit. If I didn’t and just kept doing runs I will get camped at 1 of the airfields and die

  22. 982fee86f88bf2d87e12cca312599829.png

    Gas station robbery = bank robbery POGCHAMP

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