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Everything posted by destruct

  1. What I personally do/did, is I would rather do runs in a helicopter. Preferably runs done in open fields where I can keep an eye of my surroundings. So what I'd do is I would process/pick all my stuff whilst keeping the helicopter spooled up by going in the helicopter as a co-pilot, taking controls, spooling it all the way up, give back controls, and then exit the helicopter and do what I needed to do. What this does is leave the helicopter spooled up, so if someone does come up near you, you can just take off right away and not have to wait for the helicopter to spool up.
  2. The cartel community in relation to people they think are cheating: Ban him, ban him now he's definitely cheating he shot me out of an ifrit!

    Also the cartel community in relation to a global banned dune scripter: FrEe HiM!!!!

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    2. Elements




    3. Masonn


      Even tho I love Luis y'all are out of your mind unbanning people who cheated in the Dune wave.

      I think people forgot how shit the server was when a good chunk of players were cheating and admins would reply to a report "maybe he was having a good day" 

      Remember how long it took for that Connor star kid to get banned and the thing what ended up getting him banned was his montage

  3. Oh what up I thought you were banned tbh
  4. @Bloodmoon

     I have downvotes too 🙂

  5. Oh no, it is. It's just something that's not apparent until someone tells you.
  6. Except that this isn't the same thing as the other. One is someone shooting at a part of someone phasing through an impenetrable wall, which should be common sense in terms of something you don't do. It may not be incredibly apparent in a heat-of-the-moment scenario, but it's obvious that you shouldn't do it. The other, which you provided a video of, is my proning and bipoding on top of the sandbags next to corporal bunker, which isn't obvious and apparent that others couldn't see me. What Arma does when players are at a distance is sink people into whatever surface they're on, which wouldn't be apparent to me because this is largely be a client-sided mechanic, if you shot in my direction though - it would kill me, which multiple people succeeded at doing. Once I was told that people couldn't see me, I stopped. But nah, let's dig your head in the sand and pretend that one is the same as the other.
  7. I like how most people are saying it's an arma bug, well, yes, but what's abusing an arma bug called? Exploiting boys, it's called exploiting
  8. If its through an impenetrable wall, don't do it
  9. Did you rob @rapidaax on cop or what

  11. Chapter 11: New Life Rule 3. If APD die in an illegal area they are to return in waves. (Described more in detail in the APD Master Handbook) Exception: Bank events are exempt from wave rule.
  12. I only ban people that deserve it, and I guess you were too pussy to actually correctly @ me
  13. From my experience being an R&R Coordinator: Make the app, pour your heart into it, don't lie about your age, and make the extra effort to talk to the Director or a Coordinator in TeamSpeak by waiting in the R&R disciplinary room and I'm sure they'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Don't be annoying about it and be chill. This will also pave the way to probably being accepted into the APD once people get to know you.
  14. Yo I need two gangs with atleast 5-6 people that are willing to fight at cartels in about an hour to test drive an event, reply back if you can.

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    2. destruct


      2 hours ago, Toasty said:

      Youre trolling

      You know I've been lagging out of TeamSpeak this whole week, todat was the day it decided to break down for a whole 9 hours. It's back now but I have class.

      1 hour ago, maxg said:

      You know its rough when you say you are hosting an event and then cancel it. sounds familiar 

      Ask anybody I've talked on TeamSpeak to in the past week, I've been lagging out of there the whole week, see above.


      I ain't perfect but I'm not a fuckin liar peeps

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