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Status Replies posted by destruct

  1. Liberals real quiet this year after talking about "Accountability" the last 4 years

    1. destruct


      I don't understand the point of people posting or discussing politics on here, politics especially in the United States is fucking retarded, politicians are retarded, hell, most of them are almost senile at 80 years old, just causes issues for no reason. Also always ends up as Nerdy v 50 because it seems like a lot of the Arma community leans one way. Respect your fellow community members and everyone respect each other's opinions and feelings and don't antagonize. Be good to your fellow man

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  2. wow @ King already slacking on the job. There are 41 player reports pending... what a shit moderator.



    jk congrats ❤️

  3. apd's new favorite thing is kicking R&R out of kavala regardless if martial law has been declared or not.

    1. destruct


      Im sure if you report it as an IA it'll be taken care of. If you think it's taken care of unfairly, send me a PM with evidence.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. Anyone going to be playing New World on launch?

  5. What is S-Tammy's name on forums? trying to find them?

    You see this? I'm in TS in group 1

    its about buying something off you

  6. @ destruct bring back faceit 10 mans. Or let me host them

  7. @ destruct you are a fucking bitch 

  8. @ destruct you are a fucking bitch 

  9. 🤲🏻 !!!ATTENTION OLYMPUS ADMINS!!! ☮️ Today 🟠 is the day 💁🏿‍♂️ I, drippp, officially revoke 🔚 my position 👑 through out the ❗️notorious ❗️group 👯‍♂️ Sinity’s hierarchy 🤴 🤝 to pledge allegiance 💪 to the non-cheater policy 📔 of 😱Arma 3😱 in return 🤝 of an 😳🥶 UNBAN 😫🤗 to revive 💯♨️ the server ‼️ thanks for reading 🤔🙄👉🏼👈🏼🥺

  10. @APD Member Please make sure you let a @Senior APD Member member know if you change your forums name. Helps when adding or removing tags.

  11. Why is scamming still allowed on the server. Wats the point of it? Its just bad for the community 

    1. destruct


      Moderators/Admins had been told to stop mediating pretty much, they really started mediating stuff because at one point there was a limit on betting and to facilitate higher bets than the limit we allowed mediating those, somewhere along the line that got pushed to new lengths and staff started mediating everything, which is no bueno. It's altis life, make sure you trust your guy or be ready to potentially get fucked, OR prepare for yourself getting fucked and have your gang on standby or something, just don't blindly trust people.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. Got suspended at work watch me kill shit


    1. destruct


      Oh but what did package man do to get suspended

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. casino = bad

  14. So if anyone has ever used BattlEye's contact system, how long did it take for a response?

  15. Anyone still play counter strike around GNova?

  16. hi @destruct and hi @Headless do you guys play tarkov

  17. Who here is going hard into $GME or $BB?

    1. destruct


      Nah I'm good I put 5k into my MJ ETF and it's been up 12% but we ain't as volatile as GME

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  18. anyone have rust base building tips? Myself and a few friends built one only to have it fucked up overnight. 

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