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APD Officer
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Status Replies posted by Strae

  1. Let’s all smoke up tomorrow in Kav. :3

  2. FUCK sekiro. That shit is not even fun anymore at that point

  3. Can i have a dog on server 1 i want one of those cop dogs like they had on lakeside so i can sick him on people who wanna start shit.

  4. Time to move on with life. Bye Loved and enjoyed my time i had here.  

  5. When literally one person spams Sr admins/owner complaining about epoints to the point they'd rather remove down voting then to listen to the crying...

    Perhaps that "person" should evaluate why so many people dislike you promping a mass downvote vs crying to a sr admin/owner when someone 1/2 your age is mean to you...

    (For the record I'm against mass down voting, but this isn't something new and has happened for years)

  6. Waiters dont get paid enough. I demand a raise

  7. Oh shit Pandroid got a promotion.  

  8. I love getting dqed for workshop mods :]

  9. Gang wars is not cancelled, its running right now. Not streaming the early fights. Relax.

  10. Gl gw fighters

  11. Enjoy new forum tags made by @TheoryB. Send him PMs if you have comments!

  12. Rollback is happening so please don't submit a comp request for being wiped or anything. 


    If you do I will personally wipe you AFTER the rollback

  13. I have faith in my men, and I believe that a route is in order. Go get em [Lethals?] :ph34r:

  14. ddos is not a joke. apd are a joke ez 6 man fed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  15. Civ VI destroys friendships beware

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