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Everything posted by Revise

  1. are you always a rager or just on arma?
  2. This is why parents shouldn't drop their children.
  3. Congrats @Horizon

    1. Horizon


      out of reactions for today but thanks ❤️

  4. Or if you are a vigi and accidentally lethal you can go pay it off at the courthouse same goes for gang homicide.
  5. anyone have valorant??

  6. You basically perm denied yourself Sr R&R over here so you might as well.
  7. https://gyazo.com/e84303299ae9d30828f91d6743f2f3ec
  8. the fact that you would get your own gang member banned is pretty scummy and and fucked up, And also why is that a accomplishment ?
  9. Revise


    I will never understand o7's where people say they will still play.
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