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Everything posted by noah:)

  1. F for Taxis tbh ;(
  2. Well that was.. delightful..

  3. I think it's harsh to put it in that light (for reasons that don't need to be said).
  4. already taken
  5. 43
  6. YES it's a chacc
  7. this is just cringey man why..
  8. remove vigi... who cares if we loose a 'variety' of players. even if that's true it's the variety of toxic shits that harass everyone and are general aids

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Gang life would improve because the retards who are vigis would become rebels, at least some of them, and then would actually fight some meaning more gangs and more fights. I never said it was gone I just said that it would improve if vigis were gone 

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      This will never happen, on the title for the server it lists Vigilante as something you can do. Besides, Vigis aren’t nearly as bad as they were when there weren’t tiers for their guns. 

    4. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      It was definitely better without tiers because now because only arrest for the tier meaning they are super cancer any vigi anyone and everyone 

  9. just beg for likes instead of clips that also works
  10. aye watch my boi shooklyn him and is neckbeard ass gonna rule this world 

  11. DICKHEAD I was just pointing it out you fucking downy stop being so aggressive
  12. that’s what she said
  13. +1 equally shitters
  14. @buckie with the 7 day for racism?

    1. Xlax


      Free my boy buckie smh

  15. A good house until they all get removed from warzone. Don't buy it.
  17. rip codeyeti my mans is depressed

  18. noah:)


    yeah no u
  19. you’re actually retarded bud
  20. rip still up?
  21. Probably would never happen, but restoring broken down houses and then being able to buy them would me dope. ;)

    1. KrispyK


      I don't think this is possible with it being a vanilla map feature 

  22. Is the update coming soon? Not to rush or be typical.
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