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Trevor Lawrence MVP season

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Status Updates posted by Trevor Lawrence MVP season

  1. Fuck you liberal @gaz @ThatNerdyGuy

    1. gaz


      farming upvotes

    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      No I just love god and country you fucking Democrat cuck

    3. billdroid


      i love god and my country too 🇵🇰



  2. I can’t believe no one voted for Kanye 😞 

    he’s perfectly qualified and not at all mentally unstable 

    1. Billeh


      0.3% of people in my state voted for him

  3. @ThatNerdyGuy LETS GO BENGALS BABY!!!!


    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      And the Bengals defense gave it up. I hate life.

  4. wtf happened to Grego

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      @billdroid actually im pretty sure it was because he drove over one of your IEDs 

    3. Monks


      He had them positioned around the gas station in case someone tried to rob them 

  5. Yall made me waste my Twitch Prime 😞 

  6. o7 @Grandma Gary

    I told you to stay away from the crack laced prune juice 😭

  7. @Linka You must make one of these Among Us Head Councilmen


    1. Linka


      if u set it up for me i can deal with this 

    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      I’d need to know who to include 

  8. @ThatNerdyGuy be happy the eagles don’t trust their kicker. Josh Lambo would’ve made it from 65

  9. 56cd9b8bfdb37e2382e7ad7ff3ba427b.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      I’d have to see what it actually offers in the trees. But ya 56 is probably the move

    3. Hoonter
    4. Rafa


      that turkey tree looking mighty fine tho. Love me some neo-ottoman empire roleplay 

  10. @Sho-Time Me and @Millennium would like to gift you with ownership of the USS Cum-Bucket. She’s a sturdy girl but small enough to slip through any tight hole. Good luck my fellow seaman

    1. Millennium


      The USS Cum-bucket has sank many ships. The crew are the best seamen you will ever see

    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Not even a thank you from @Sho-Time

      dumb bitch

  11. If the Browns lose tonight, I think it’s beginning of the end for Baker Mayfield

  12. Guys @Millennium let me barrow his Netflix account and Cuties was in his recently watched 

    1. Millennium
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Oh my bad it was your brothers account

    3. Billeh


      No it’s not there because he finished it 

  13. 62562170f57256aa1cd7b252f774bc0d.png

    Here's another one for the daily meme collection @Grandma Gary

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SPBojo


      You know R&R is cool and chill when we aint even mentioned in stuff like this 😎

    3. Monks
    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
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