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Caleb Snackbar

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Everything posted by Caleb Snackbar

  1. Nlr doesn’t apply for warzone btw
  2. Definitely more than a week though man left me in pygros after he yelled at me and tped me to him for kosing him
  3. Why couldn’t this be a status update?
  4. Wait pygros rebel or moonshine cause someone else said moonshine is getting moved
  5. Rules definitely say you can just shoot someone right after you restrain them I don’t understand why he was banned. I demand a full owner pardon and for him to be compensated the 2.5million he speaks of
  6. Well you can’t store it to avoid a engagement, so if they are flying towards you obviously or are landing and about to shoot then yes would be considered combat storing but if they are no where in sight and the 5 minutes have passed it should be fine
  7. We need a buff to counter them taking our qillins away
  8. I really enjoy driving qillins... oh wait
  9. Wtf are we suppose to drive around now suv and hatch aren’t good at driving off-road. Legit the few people that wanted Qillins removed got it removed but the many who want vigis removed can’t get it removed makes sense
  10. Combat medic
  11. Legit gonna have to start driving dep wagons around spent way to much on qillin insurance after today from the hacker blowing them up 

    1. Ronin


      at least you don't lose gear

  12. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/957469508560016199/50050BEA3278BC5FB632FD32FE2E8E8DE53E128C/ average day 

    1. Pablo_Escobar


      it was probably the hacker that we ran into 

  13. If you donated while McDili was owner it should count im pretty sure
  14. Then why don’t you log more people? Not like we force you to not log more on
  15. Gee never saw this coming
  16. Apd is just a copy of vigis anyway I totally agree
  17. Howdy partner
  18. Gets initiated on teleports across the map makes sense
    1. yung matt
    2. DeadPool


      Did you buy that off Dell.com? If so return it and call 911 and backeract your self for buying a shit pc

    3. buckie


      can u leave again retard

  19. One of the reason you might be blacklisted is because you gave out a test question but also they definetely won’t blacklist you for giving the correct answers
  20. Legit threw a 50k grenade like wasn’t that special bud
  21. Just sit in kavala and say 1mil bet till someone bets you
  22. Then do a real run instead of oil i heard the peach markets are doing quite well
  23. How did it take you that long only took like 20 minutes when me Gibbs and someone else did it hardest part is getting quad into gas station then it’s easy from there
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