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Caleb Snackbar

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Everything posted by Caleb Snackbar

  1. Make it so you can break open gangshed doors, they made it so they can be repaired so make it so its more easily to get into so i can get inside and place the charges

  2. Comment down below
  3. Make a Tesla like auto pilot upgrade thing for cars on Olympus too hard to drive 

    1. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Plus fucking one

    2. Darren Nsonowa

      Darren Nsonowa

      +1 a million times

    3. Billeh


      i’d be down with some of the solutions that exile has like a heli flying around the map that takes people between each city

  4. Imagine privating the video ahahahha
  5. None of that is against rules though may not be the best thing to be doing but doesn’t break rules
  6. He didn’t break any rules though how did he get demoted never searched him and was going to charge with disobeying an officer but had to deal with another situation
  7. If you can pull from houses should be a somewhat hefty price each time you pull trucks so that garages still have a point
  8. Make it so you can bolt cut or lock pick into gang sheds please like just opening the door so you can kill people in a gang shed 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. i win

      i win

      Pretty sure this was changed because the cartel guys were getting bullied by vigis when they spawned in.

    3. Toasty


      @Mr Majestic bare ppl would camp inside our dp23 gang shed for bounties

    4. billdroid


      Cops can’t even bolt cut gang shed doors. There’s literally just a button to unlock all the doors

  9. Him and all the rappers are making a secret underground society it’s just a cover
  10. why make it harder to combat log
  11. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198093364511/#sort=order
  12. i didnt told him not to
  13. delete this
  14. Google
  15. The real Kavala castle
  16. Always remember seatbelts
  17. I want to enter and unban me from the disc CalebM#1100
  18. Who’s web developer yikes 

    1. silton


      I'm sorry no one is as good as you at html. Spastic cunt 

  19. Other illegal vehicles can be insured all the ground vehicles can be
  20. Hurricanes are fake
  21. If you shoot at one that is still alive that was engaged after someone gets revived it re engages the revived person because of tags. Same with if one of them shoots at you then it re engages you to their whole gang
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