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Everything posted by Messy_0

  1. Bad ass update my dudes Hell yeah
  2. Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Strae


      39 minutes ago, Millennium said:

      these are all dumb facts

      you're dumb

    3. maxg


      2 hours ago, Strae said:

      you're dumb

      ill fucking kill you idiot, sir

    4. Millennium


      @Strae Where'd all ur gold go? Oh wait... :Kappa:


  3. Suicide Vest > Ghosthawk   hahahhaahhahaahhaha

  4. @Ashe
  5. I need a full report on all current PMs and annaual inspections within the last year As well as the 1000 hour inspection and any current installed mods w/ the mods report
  6. @SecTranLive, congrats on Corporal bud!

    Very well deserved and very well needed! 


    Fuck yeah!

  7. dont forget the spreader 

  8. Can't wait to see you in the hot tub later tonight, call me when you're on the way

    <3 < 3

  9. thats a lot of apples lol
  10. 100%

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bummm


      Not what u got on ur first test xD

    3. Messy_0


      pass that test and that good to go fail ban tho!

    4. SecTranLive
  11. I wouldn't say get rid of Vigi's in general. They add a different type of feel to the game once you start killing people left and right. Not only do you have the cops after you, but now you have bounty hunters. My idea would be to raise the minimum from 75k to maybe 125k (or higher) so that the vigis are not just taking on some plebs with some stacked robberies or grand thefts. Increase the minimum so that vigis have to take on more seasoned criminals.
  12. hands up or be loved...


    1. SecTranLive


      My hands aren’t up :wub:

  13. Yeet yeet McSkeet

  14. <--- Can't turn left

    1. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      But can flip 2 feet off the ground 

  15. hell yeah, welcome back my dude
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