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John Wayne

Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by John Wayne

  1. coast guard what a meme
  2. It’s been abit  over two weeks since vigi launch, can we get another update on top vigi ranks @Jesse ?

    1. Snare


      This status update is the epitome of a dying game

    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      I KNow right; they got rid of the spar cause it was OP then they got rid of the vermin and gave everyone rooks and THAT was OP.

    3. Main


      4 hours ago, John Wayne said:

      I KNow right; they got rid of the spar cause it was OP then they got rid of the vermin and gave everyone rooks and THAT was OP.


  3. EPhedra is way to open and out of place. frog factory has always been at the water, looks weird
  4. I didn’t need to. But seriously... we who bought it have been cucked.
  5. I paid 12mil for a blackfish which then became broken, unflyable and never got fixed then you guys just made it cost 750k... Where’s my rebate @McDili
  6. Yeah I think that was the issue. Possession of contraband would cover the charge of drug possession. So I get charged twice for the same offence.
  7. @TheCmdrRex i never read any of this post but it reminded that there are two contraband charges that I got hit with automatically. I should only get charged once based on the description.
  8. show bobs u bich
  9. John Wayne

    WTB Hunter

  10. U rat
  11. It’s been leaked - patriots won

  12. MX’s 125k each, ill take em all
  13. Sounds like a terrorist, nobody sell him anything
  14. I'll link you on TS. I'd get flagged here
  15. The one of @DeadPool next to it was much worse
  16. I was sent this pic once... o7
  17. Man we’re still posting about this? It’s old news guys, lets move on to dead gang life and pushing rocks
  18. It was born with it.
  19. There can only be one here from Ontario.
  20. Estimated time til sAPD - 1 week
  21. Where’s my fucking berets

    1. DeadPool


      I am wearing it on cop

  22. Call them a faggot and ddos them That’ll teach em
  23. Soon as I saw a quilin I didn’t even click
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