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Status Replies posted by Larkerz

  1. New players can't even use the forums without being mocked by a bunch of mouth breathers

  2. If I put up a community ARK server, who would be down? Just gauging what's up

  3. @TheCmdrRex i can fix the hatchback problem on cap for a small fee of a ghost hawk appearing in my garage

  4. @i chop hatchbacksETA on hatchback chopping montage?

  5. who's tryna play a game of civ 5?

    1. Larkerz


      3 minutes ago, Ziggyuwu said:

      @Viper fuck civ 6,i ain't got time to deal with all that micro managing and shit

      @Demon9845 started a sp game but im tryna do mp

      aight. @ me if you get one going.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. who's tryna play a game of civ 5?

  7. can we get a stat for most overall time on the server

  8. Hey, I'm just curious what the fuck people have there shit binded to like crouching leaning and stances are all default?  - tony bad at combat :(

    1. Larkerz


      Double tapping C for Combat Stance and turning off adaptive crosshair Options > Game > Adaptive Crosshair. 

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  9. What's on your mind?

  10. hbd @Mutiny. You were born today? Nice!

  11. adding global mobilization clothes? @TheCmdrRex 

  12. Sooo isss my  birthday... *whispers* po test. Someone say something??

  13. If you’re looking for a video editor that’s free, honestly I’ve had no bad experiences with this, and at its core it works a lot like Vegas.

    A big refactor of like 60% of the codebase just landed.


    1. Larkerz


      26 minutes ago, Prime said:

      Not true. I have bought Vegas 14 because I had the money for it. I have gotten free copies for years and personally not getting viruses everytime was a nice change. 

      I've never gotten a virus through pirate.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  14. If you’re looking for a video editor that’s free, honestly I’ve had no bad experiences with this, and at its core it works a lot like Vegas.

    A big refactor of like 60% of the codebase just landed.


    1. Larkerz


      Not a single person buys vegas or premiere.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hands up or gain packets by the APD!

  16. server's you can't say retarded on are retarded. thank you olympus for not being retarded

  17. hit you with that ddu du ddu du

    1. Larkerz


      Just now, tacosmell said:

      Yeah gimme like a month i'll be dating her 

      go get her.


      2 minutes ago, Millennium said:

      Stay away from Lisa thats @tacosmell's girl lmao

      Literally copied the du du part into google and that was the first thing that came up lmao. I remembered a post not too long ago about them and was like, this gotta be it lmao.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. So, I fried my processor after 7k hours on Arma :(

  19. Time to move on with life. Bye Loved and enjoyed my time i had here.  

    1. Larkerz


      This mans gave me my first APD interview.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  20. Counting the hours til the end of my ban #freeCable

  21. So @Mercury you said I could get a medic age exception when i got sergeant. https://gyazo.com/66f374228e6089385b9d5473e2ebf8e9

  22. happy birthday!

  23. Selling two Mk1 Tazers DM offer

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