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Everything posted by Strikke

  1. Probably Dune. Just ban him
  2. This Communism kills competition which in turn kills innovation. Progress would be awfully slow or we might even be stuck with certain technologies for a LONG time before anything better comes alogn.
  3. I guess he knew his strengths and decided that he could go for the revive. Seems like it worked out for him.
  4. @GluxDesigns @Shades
    Wow yall old as hell :kappa:

    Happy Birthday ❤️

  5. In Norway we pay a 25% base tax, this increases slightly as you earn more but caps out eventually. Because of our way higher tax then whats usual in the US we get free health care, Cheap AF public transportation that isn't shit. Free Collage and wealthfare for people who need it and cant work. General public infrastructure isn't shit. Norway basically has no dept other then a small amount just for trading purposes. Even though we have systems which you would automatically scream "communist" at like a child. I would classify Norway and the rest of the Scandinavian countries as "Capitalistic socialistic democracy". We have a open market and anyone can start a private company and go ham with it if the choose to. You can 110% do your own thing BUT we have higher tax so that we don't need to go bankrupt over basic human needs. Also Norway isn't really in the EU, we just trade with the EU. (Short version) @Boomer xD lol. Atleast we arent in 22trillion dollars dept because of our excessive military spending. But thanks for that one tho. Oh and we have this: https://www.nbim.no/en/
  6. Pfft he was a BFO rat first o7 Rex
  7. I miss back when APD were cops, not military. I also miss back when APD actually tried to RP and not just "BANG BANG LIST"
  8. @ikiled?
  9. "Loading... 0%"
    10min later
    "Loading... 0%"

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      you done talking to yourself fam or

    3. Zurph


      @Strikke no one liked you back then and no one likes you now, can you do us all a favor and leave like you said you were?

    4. Strikke


      I never said i was gonna leave? hello? Quitting staff doesnt mean o7?

      A legit question for you Zurph. Why, who and what was i disliked for? Genuinely curious

      Nah goat im having to much fun. 🙂 

      But 4real tho goat. if you gonna downvote one post about the server lagging then stay true to yourself and downvote everyone elses as well. 🙂

  10. Just waited 30 sec for my vehciles to show and then another 30 sec for it to spawn. pls fix S2

  11. "Back of altis" more like "Port of altis" HA. 🙂 

  12. Ok sure you dont want to look at Olympus as your product.. but it is. it is a service/product you provide to people who wish to play on it. No matter how much you tell yourself its not a product it is and will always be regardless of monitization or not. Here is a scenario for you to hopefully make you understand: Imagine a customer walking into a store and then knocking down a few items on one of the shelves. Then one of the staff walks over to the customer and asks whats up. The customer then start screaming in the staffs face. Now everyone in the store is looking at the customer like he is an idiot. Then the store staff starts screaming like a child back at the customer. Now BOTH parties look equally childish and idiotic to all the other customers. Now after that is all done the Customer gets removed by security and then the stores staff member gets yelled at by his boss and possibly fired because acting like that is 110% unprofessional + every other customer in the store now also knows that this staff member is unprofessional and probably wont return to that store to spend their hard earned cash on groceries etc.. In this scenario the only thing that had to be done is for the stores staff to just act professional and not go as low as the stupid customer. then called security and bam nothing is blamed on the stores staff. Yes i understand that Olympus isn't a business in the normal sense, However it is. Olympus-Entertainment is basically a small Game studio at this point.
  13. This is very accurate. Like sure back in the day we would meme and shit but NEVER have i ever called anyone retard or generally been toxic and disrespectful towards a player having a issue @Outcast. A while back now Ryan said "Since when did we become customer support?"... Like BRUUUH ever since you tried to maintain players happy with your product (Olympus, in case you forgot)
  14. Basically. The nice thing tho is that everyone in the gang can spawn there.
  15. 891209dba0cd1f1197af80b7d4517c9e.png

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. -dante-


      @Corporal Moob I wasn’t taking it personal. I’m also not @ing any specific Individual. Just the overall staff from then to now and how things are handled. 

      if ya know ya know then ;D

    3. iPopsicle


      @Corporal Moob In reality it all goes down to me for picking your meth ingredients for you in 2015 because you needed to lean out your window to smoke.

    4. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      @iPopsicle No words more accurate.

  16. @Ryan Should never have promoted @rapidaax because now the rest of the staff are just retards. (except @xDRO )
  17. Nice double post
  18. Nice double post
  19. Gang shed is basically a giant house with a lot of space that your gang can use to store gear and virtual items. it also has a garage like you said.
  20. Altis life. Because i can roleplay if i wish to but most of the time its just Wasteland with extra steps. Oh and also the fact that you can pray on the defenseless with a simple "hands up or die" out of nowhere.
  21. Just to play devils advocate: I understand that Olympus is Light RP but there is also a reason Heavy RP servers on Arma and GTA are taking over. In my opinion roleplaying contributes to keeping the community engaged with the gameplay more which in turn makes players want to keep playing.
  22. @Nightingale sad to see you go. 01010011 01100101 01110010 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110100 01110101 01110010 01101110 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01110100
  23. One step ahead of you homie, o7
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