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Everything posted by iamvaltrix

    1. Millennium


      Are we taking another trip to Mexico?

    2. iamvaltrix


      22 minutes ago, Millennium said:

      Are we taking another trip to Mexico?

      absolutely we are.


  1. happy b-day monkeys @communistjosh@Treebeard and @Camel Joe


    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      help I cant afford real cocaine

    2. iamvaltrix


      1 hour ago, communistjosh said:

      help I cant afford real cocaine

      Well then i guess your ganna have to bring your ass down to the crack house down the street then. Maybe thell give you a little dimebag for your birthday.

    3. Camel Joe
  3. Merry Christmas to everyone in this toxic community that i have grown to love :D. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  4. Just reminding everyone that @Ronin does not record so you can rdm the fuck out of him every time you see him. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sped


      @iamvaltrix this opens up our vocabulary

    3. iamvaltrix


      @sped Send him to the Jefferson Memorial

    4. sped


      i think @Greenbum would prefer jefferson park

  5. damn bro you low-balled him hella hard. The 338. supps are worth 15-20 mil
  6. You never leave on your own free will, You always get kicked fro mevery gang you join once they found out how much of a retard you are. And your not even good at the game? Hellllllllo? idk why you keep saying that in every post acting like a god when your fucking ass and i never even see you on cap.
  7. you stupid fucking monkey, at least i have friends on this server and im not hated by everyone like you you fucking mong. How about you go go outside and get some fucking social skills instead of smoking weed and eating benzos all day. Oh and btw no one thinks your cool or believes your bullshit house arrest story for attempted murder, you attention whore. p.s at least i can stay in a gang for more than a week.
  8. where the perc 30s at?

    1. monster



  9. kill the blacks
  10. What kind of colors yall niggas got?
  11. LMFAO
  12. o7 dash, it was a good run, i had alot of good times

  13. O7 man. rest in piece dash, you were a great gang leader
  14. What Destruct said
  15. 6.5 supp still available?
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