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Everything posted by Claysive

  1. I don't know man. Those damn medics just help save lives and loadouts, repair vehicles, pickup stranded civs, clean the streets up... those vigis are out here protecting the people of altis by catching the bad guys and getting rid of them 75k bounties... You tell me which is worse!
  2. +1. Those filthy scum. Worse than vigis!
  3. "Denied" - Richard, 2020
  4. Hell, at this point, we may as well just add a full blown market to cap.
  5. Down Below
  6. I'm looking into doing the Ikea countertop and Alex drawers for a new desk myself. Not sure if that's the style you're going for or what, but worth looking into as you can accomplish this with that budget. https://gyazo.com/b1ac1b629ce968dbee15012dfbbab000 There are many other color options and variations as well.
  7. Trust me, dealing with @Richard isn't easy. If you ever get supervisor, this is what you are going to have to deal with.
  8. ^^ It makes no difference for medics. If someone needs dope, they'll let you know more than likely. Or they'll just go to the hospital. There is no harm in the idea itself, I just don't see the need for it though.
  9. Claysive


    What's the going rate for one?
  10. Denied. Devs are too busy crying over other people’s e ranks.
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