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Everything posted by GhostFace

  1. When did people start complaining  about rdm so much?

    1. Savage


      cause their new and in kavala

    2. Majed


      when i started to eat vegetables

  2. Gratz you exploiting neck tattoo heroin addict. @RogueMK

    1. RogueMK


      woah xD but thanks

  3. the shit you see in bronze is great!


    1. Orgondo


      I don’t even understand how anyone can be in Bronze or silver. Gold is so easy to get at the minimum 

    2. GhostFace


      I lock hanzo or widow every game and just like to listen to the team scream

  4. lone survior Revolt the man with the iron heart Rules of engagment we were soliders
  5. Fuck working 2nd shift with mandatory overtime I never have time to play anymore :(

    1. DashTonic


      You find time trust me I get 20+hours on that shit

  6. Shit. i turned 23 3 hours ago :(

    1. Marty


      Happy birthday you old sod ;)

    2. Jaster


      Happy Birthday Ghostface, my first gang was nomads and i am glad I was able to play with you guys.

  7. So i used a vacation day for nothing NICE! its like $100
  8. My  New Specs:


    CPU:9ghz i12 9612k
    GPU: GTX XTTGTX 2016/1090k 128gp
    Memory: 2.4bn gb ECM
    Drive: 812pb SSSD
    Motherboard: Quantum Entangled Interface (don't look at it you might break it)
    Case: No need I've discovered anti gravity
    Screen: 9612 x 2
    PSU: Fusion Reactor
    Operating System: iOS 10 (credit myspace)
    Router: I've hired someone to manually direct the packets

    (I don't have a mouse or keyboard as I telepathically interface with the CPU directly)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Savage
    3. proud


      give me ur old specs so i can sell em for more then theyre worth ty!

    4. Strikke


      That monitor most be dope as fuck, 2 pixels tall :Kappa:

  9. Nah, all gang sheds are suspect because they're near a rebel and someone paid for it.
  10. i'd be fine with that, long as there over 1click and not sitting ontop of our gangshed spooled down witha orca.
  11. I mean if i sit 800 meters away looking into a redzone with rangefinders is it camping?
  12. care to enlighten? Still considered camping a redzone.
  13. yeah it does.
    1. proud


      no, ryan beck is just a bot bot bot

    2. Nurse Lou
    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Thought you were in your Dodge Ram, didn’t you? 

  14. that screen has a higher IQ than you....
  15. What is this bad module shit i keep getting game locks up then crashes with bad module.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fyshie.


      reinstall fixed it for me ;)

    3. Google


      @GhostFace are you still facing these issues? If so, please contact me in Olympus' Teamspeak. We will investigate and attempt to solve this issue you are having.

    4. -dante-


      It's really random it seems. I've never found a fix but it's not common. Just seems the only time my game actually crashes is with that error. Happens in exile, Olympus, and koth.

  16. WarZone was made for fighting not making money Vigis and Cops please stay fuck off of it. Also stay the fuck out off gang sheds. This is Arma not Call of Duty so do not spawn camp.

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Nice copy pasta, stupid pants

    2. bigPat


      Deadpool the first person to be removed from civ rep :Kappa:

    3. GhostFace


      53 minutes ago, Fat Clemenza said:

      Nice copy pasta, stupid pants

      not a copy la pasta noodle head. look at mine and look at deadpool's its different

  17. When i first started, I got robbed hundreds of times by burban, made me want to be like them. so i kept getting robbed and fighting back. eventually got enough hours and enough money to join a gang, Joined potp, became a cop made like 63mill,While playing cop met a couple fellers named @Corporal_Moob@Pete Malloy @Adi@RogueMK. Then made [IS] shit on burban for awhile, They got so upset with us, they had the admins try to get us to disband. So we remade the gang [MC] and been having fun with them ever since. It's all about how you look at big gangs. Big gangs are fun, but they can also be very annoying and your gonna loose alot of money.
  18. Fuck it prime wins again. just give it to em! 3-0!
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