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Everything posted by Jerrod

  1. John 3:3
    Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

  2. Testimony of an Ex-Muslim who found Christ

  3. The problem with the American Christian Church is the fact that the false gospel is preached a lot, and people are deceived by it. The only way Jesus comes into your life is if you truly accept him, and turn from your wicked ways, our Lord is just and will not show you the light if you apologize and go back to living a life of sin a day later. I am sorry if you were under the impression that Jesus forgives no matter what, because he does not, you must be genuine in your repentance which means sacrificing all the amazing pleasures we get from sin, and turning to the Lord and Savior and asking him to give you new desires and to love righteousness rather than the wicked ways that you used to live in. I was also a victim of idolatry and I believed that our Lord was some snuggly cuddly God that always let us break his Law and he loved us so much that he didn't care. Like I said, I am very sorry if this was your impression of who our Lord is, as many of us are deceived by the teachings of preachers who wont spread the True Gospel and instead they preach what makes them popular. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jerrod


      Bruh you need to stop caring about what the world thinks about you and find Jesus. 

    3. gaz


      You need to stop thinking that a sky person cares about you

  4. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

    John 14:6

  5. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    John 3:16

    Turn to him today, the wages of sin are death, but through our lord and savior, we shall never perish. Amen.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mr GOAT
    3. Derek


      what happened i miss the the jerrod everyone hated

  6. Another Example of the power of the word and prayer. Newborn pronounced dead at birth begins to cry after mother prays.

  7. I will speak the word of God to this server and never be silenced. I pray for whoever deleted the status update.

  8. Little Guy?? @GoonThe13Yearold That nigga is a boulder. @rabid

    1. Drippp


      Hey man, focus on yourself 👍 you’re not in the most healthy shape yourself mr Neal 

    2. Jerrod


      390 pounds compared to rabid's monsterous 720 pounds. I can say what I want, arsehole

  9. Who wants 2 fight?

  10. https://clips.twitch.tv/JoyousPeacefulSoybeanBudBlast

    Olympus Staff cant even disagree that Teamplayers is an unstoppable force

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      You lost gang wars man

    2. Jerrod


      yeah, speaking of dogshit, did you see how sy played


    smoking big A in traffic

  12. @proud when he runs into anyone from arma

  13. 1v1 Fortnite $5 wager paypal msg me if you want to participate


    Except for this fucking dude @Snare too good kicked my ass

    1. Masonn


      -rep scammer


    2. evannnn


      spent my fortnite winning on dope

  14. U made it G!!! @snipeZ 


    1. snipeZ


      That cuck got lucky with his annoying zones.

    2. Jerrod


      he's a pretty toxic player pretty boring to watch but it came in my suggestion lol

    3. snipeZ


      mans just uploaded a 2nd vid of me lmao


  15. https://gyazo.com/f002c1ed8f06991228915b22a91eab07

    At a loss of words for this grown ass man holding beef with me still and shows how petty he is about it.... Like who the fuck would get banned for this 19 people said the same thing biased people will destroy this server man hate to see it.


    @Mr GOAT

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. monster


      you're still on this?

    3. Jerrod


      we aint on the forums 24/7 to see dickriders messages. cant believe youre bringing up your "anxiety" like a 14 year old lgtpq girl on tiktok. everyone's got anxiety bro, and bringing it up as a way to get people to feel bad for you in an argument is pitiful by the way . I know anxiety is real don't think I am ignorant but we do not care you got it lol.

    4. monster
  16. https://streamable.com/v29svj


    In your head? Glad to be back @Aaronnn

    1. Kedar
    2. Aaronnn


      wasnt even that mad just wanted to call you a fat cunt tbf

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