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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. What's the average exploiting ban on OG length if you had no previous bans on your current record affecting your ban length? 

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Typically a one day but if you've got prior bans it could be longer.

    2. Outcast
  2. add ability to sell arrests plz

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Millennium


      Thats when u get ppl like @Fraali or dingle, or anyone with high arrests selling them to people and making hella bank

    3. Hunter


      @Millennium that will just make is less grindy to get a decent vigi leval besides there would be a limited supply of arrests from people who have a lot of arrests that money transfered from the person buying it will be spent on rebel gear 

    4. Fraali
  3. lmao not as bad as noble losing a 40 man BW tho
  4. na silla is easier got a 4 piece on them
  5. bank's should only spawn between 50-75 bags if you have 5+ lethals on you get 75 it is incredibly easy to hold the bank
  6. +1 cut bank bags spawned down to 50
  7. nobody is going to send you the hawk first 99% of the time it is half first then they send the Hawk then you send the rest of the cash
  8. only people with rank 1+ in the gang can use shed inventory
  9. had performance issues also got the same specs as you
  10. true literally no recoil but got to get used to it im playing on 110 atm
  11. what fucking FOV is that jesus like 120 my guess
    1. Monks


      no because he is white

    2. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      @Monks hes getting one bc he is white

    3. Monks


      oh yeah the blacks dont get pardoned. 

      they get lethaled

  12. @Zahzi F on that demotion from mod to Lead dev

  13. Price check mk-18 taser

  14. Buff runs sell price and decrease prosses speeds 

    1. Ryan


      Actually just re brought this up in our last roundtables. Coming Soon™️

  15. @Zahzi congrats i expect you to be live banning people when they annoy you 

    1. Zahzi


      Nah, only faggots live ban kids, support room drama is much more fun >_>

  16. Make vigi's lethal like corps in warzone but they get 75% of the bounty when shooting someone

    1. Show previous comments  52 more
    2. Monks


      Go ahead, make a post saying kav takes more skill than cartels. See how many downvotes you get.

    3. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      i think i will.

    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      or we don't do that

  17. fuck betting

    1. Hunter


      @Skateezy not hard to make money just pissed i lost 20m from 50 to 30 😞 guess i got to go grind vigi again

  18. add pilot covs for warpoints again as a dono goal

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