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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. Can't search the shed if it is blown up
  2. il buy it for 1$ and i wont blow up your s1 shed
  3. That is a good point but if a vigi does not do to the letter what a cop wants then they can get deranked or lose there vigi
  4. The thing is vigis work to get there teirs and one wrong mistake against the PD and all that work is gone for APD they have no risk to losing gear and you keep you'r rank or increase in rank 90% of the time
  5. fuck you why the fuck did you lower vigi payout you better add tier 5 now and give us 6.5mm that was a dick move fuck the APD us vigis work for are rank we grinded to get 90% of bounty's at t4 and you fucking lower it why the fuck did you do that give us a fucking t5 with 6.5 and 90% bounty's you absolute dicks @Zahzi fuck you asshole fuck everyone on the scat council you all are cucks go do something better in you life you peices of shit https://giphy.com/gifs/fuck-you-middle-finger-nick-kroll-eh61aSJZYBies https://gyazo.com/758aefef2014f5111799e21252e20c94 @Bloodmoon fuck you
  6. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198813581206/
  7. Good luck if you do feds im gonna buy a mar 10 and snipe you guys when doing it and blow up that shed vigi pays very well When ever i see a Noble member get online your shed is gone
  8. make quilans 100k and add prowlers

  9. Please make it so we can buy quilans from any shop and so vigis can get them

  10. fix the server datebase is fucked and wont let us open wanted list or pull out care or check are gradeges 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      ya dude just fix it

    3. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      Will be fixed upon you using proper English 

    4. codeYeTi


      Support -> Bug Report mentioning specific things will likely get you farther than a status update. That way, they can track the work. Admittedly, with today's update, you probably don't need to submit as you would just be a duplicate, which is why it's a shame you can't see the other open bug reports to check yourself, but posting in there will get something done about it, whereas here you're pretty much just bashing the update for having bugs.

  11. Gonna put a bomb there and wait for you guys trucks to come and boom
  12. Remove Apd becuse we all know apd is full of greedy fucks
  13. Hunter

    Civ Ideas

    25k would be better becuse cops need to become less of easy money
  14. Hunter

    Civ Ideas

    lower price of MK1 make cops have to buy loadouts after death also limit amount of cops responding to a fight / event
  15. Enjoy your 15m sorry you didint get to sell it
  16. Hunter


    Na it’s Ryan promoting a person the staff did not feel deserved the promotion
  17. Hunter


    Ok well guess my support tickets will never get answers coup Ryan?
  18. Hunter


    The staff that retired they gonna still play Olympus?
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