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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. spar 16s supposed to be cheaper then the spar 16?
  2. go to settings and disable betting and ask your team mates to shoot you if you even mention betting
  3. @Ryan make a official olympus rust server

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Orgondo


      Rust servers only work if they are maintained, which I did but never had Admin access so it would die within a week due to update failures. If you want to do it dedicate 2-3 people to it that actually have the experience and give them the damn access required to keep it running.

    3. Orgondo


      Rust literally runs itself just need 2-3 people to check for hackers and update the server when the Thursday updates come out so people can actually connect to the server.

    4. Orgondo


      If you have any questions just pm me here or steam @Ryan

  4. What you guys think about are engagement message?

    Stop/Land and get out of the vehicle with your hands up or you will be shot/titaned/suicided vested/Tazed/Blown Up/and or Killed by OBLIVION and Fuck you Stop/Land and get out of the vehicle with your hands up or you will be shot/titaned/suicided vested/Tazed/Blown Up/and or Killed by OBLIVION and Fuck you.

    1. Strikke


      Remember long engagement texts need to account for the extra read time before shooting them, like 2-3 sec extra. 🙂 

    2. i win

      i win

      55 minutes ago, Strikke said:

      Remember long engagement texts need to account for the extra read time before shooting them, like 2-3 sec extra.

      We countered this with:

      Stop, get out, put your hands up or be killed/tased/titaned/etc by me, [DB]- If you're in a vehicle, stop, get out without a gun, and put your hands up. If you're in a heli, engage autohover and land first. If you're landed, stay landed. If you are in an airborne plane, maintain course, text back "ok" to confirm intent to cooperate, and follow further instructions.

      It's a long text, but the very first part covers almost everything within those 5 seconds. Isn't Olympus RP fantastic?

    3. Richard


      @Mr Majestic, I need about 30 extra seconds with that message.  I not learned to gud

  5. @Ryan let mods do comp requests
  6. K you gonna be online tonight you selling any stones as well?
  7. Still selling those stings?
  8. how much for spar 16 and spar 16s and how much per stone?
  9. 80k per sting Dont need a 9mm suppressor 80k per sting
  10. i will buy every fucking Sting you got
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