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Everything posted by Monks

  1. Monks


    o7 tomos
  2. This is also to do with the player pop, when the servers are split so are the cops, server 2 should go back to closing on non peak times. @Ryan
  3. Can't even get corp t3 how they expect us to get po t3 But fr the reason po got really boring when I was one wasn't because of money, or not being able to contribute, or even seniors playing with juniors, it was because NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED. Both servers will filled with less then 50 people 90% of the day and the best fight you would get is a pharm or a random fight with the zergs like silla or noble. Also warzone raids used to be some of the most fun times I had as a po not only bc i got to lethal, but cops would actually have to play smart and stay alive because they had to pay for gear. But for some reason senior pussy levels have gone through the roof and I haven't seen a good cartel raid in like 4 weeks. So my tips are, 1. Keep the servers merged at non peak times permanently 2. Raid warzone more 3. Repeat tip #1
  4. Seems legit.
  5. d67f71d09c0d01e00507f7eb240ab390.png
    pls stop listening to kids who literally do nothing but runs and close a server at non peak times permanently 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SPBojo


      shutdown both, no balls

    3. Zahzi


      1 hour ago, SPBojo said:

      shutdown both, no balls


    4. Courean


      bruh you mostly play cop, you make money of off people that do runs....

  6. Congrats @Fraali Not gonna say I told you so buuuuuuuuut

  7. Idk man with the little bit of gameplay I've seen with the mar10 it doesn't look that appealing. Would rather use a full auto gun like a mk1
  8. So I don't get to see my dad that much but when I did his mom, (My grandma) often took care of me and I grew very close with her. She has had increasing health issues and lung problems over this past 2 years with it getting alot worse over the last 6 months. She then caught covid about 2 weeks ago and was unresponsive ever since until she past away just a few hours ago. Just telling you guys this so you know where I am at if I don't join ts or anything for a few days. Everyone please cherish your loved ones and wear a mask because it does save lives, I'll be back in a few days ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Regal


      God bless brother

    3. BENJI
    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      I'm sorry to hear that man. Condolences to you and your family.

  9. 27d3ac3d1228f4e6aa8b69802ba6fefa.png
    this the link he sent me 
    @Mason Harrison u goin to jail

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Slav


      If their age is on the clock they’re ready for the... 

    3. Grandma Gary
    4. billdroid


      YooooooooOooooOoo dat boy sus 

  10. Arma dying = Olympus dying
  11. Hey you kinda remind me of that one corp...
  13. I mean yall toxic as hell but ngl these are pretty funny lmao
  14. just bought gear 3 times because hacker kept deleting it 😎


  16. That rules doesn't really apply to banks. Technically seniors can tell you not to go to banks but that will basically NEVER happen. They can't really do that because feds are random. They aren't planned on a schedule, whatever cops see the fed channel or are online at the time are the ones who respond. My problem isn't with the rule itself, but with how it could be used. Most po's and deps might actually be happy that they don't have to attend a fed and they can go sit in kav for 30 more mins. But ik there are some po's like how i was that really enjoy going to feds and at least attempting to contribute, and now they may not get to because seniors would rather just lethal everyone.
  17. Ok, if this is deemed true then so be it i was wrong. But rn with a lot of seniors mindsets I feel like that wouldn't be the case and they would kick some juniors out. But it is possible that i'm wrong and we will just have to see.
  18. Let me set an example for you. Lets say there is 10 cops on that are all deps and pos and are getting railed at a fed. Then 3 seniors log on and realize that there is only 7 civs at the fed. Do you think they will tell the juniors to leave or they will leave themselves?
  19. I'm not saying this should be completely off limits to tell people to not attend feds so they have a chance. I'm also not specifically talking about you when i say this. I'm just expecting for juniors to join fed channel when a fed starts, and within 5 minutes a senior will log on and tell them to leave so they can lethal everyone. And i don't think its dumb to assume that non lethaling cops will be told to leave more than lethals. Also not specifically talking about you. But a good amount of seniors have been telling me that everyone gets there weapons seized if it is illegal in any way.
  20. I agree in most situations. Some times coordination between Srs and Jrs is ok but with stuff like this new fed rule where seniors can ask juniors to leave and not attend feds i expect a lot of Po's and deputys to miss out on fun events and stuff even tho they were on the server when it started. I've talked to @1thedoc some tho and i believe he is working to turn some of that stuff around which i really respect. So we will see what happens.
  21. LMAO i guarentee this isnt bc of server merge its bc staff are doing medic events and spawning tanks for them and shit lol. Not saying its all a bad thing bc its really funny but thats why people arent getting revived with 10+ medics on This used to be a normal thing back when both servers had good pop because cops actually want to play on a server with people and no one had a problem with it. Also runs get checked more bc there is literally NOTHING to do when there isnt a federal event (including banks and pharms) going on. However i do think civs will get pushed away when they continuously get tased and there guns taken bc sapd is reinforcing this rule to never let civs keep illegal weapons under any circumstances.
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