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Everything posted by Monks

  1. apd on top mass recruit on top get on my level noobs
  2. Player has been dealt with the appropriate administrative action. Please be sure to leave any proof you have submitted up for at least 2 weeks in case we need it for further review. Thank you for the report.
  3. every fucking o7 and good luck i see now i have to do scientific research just to know if its real

  4. What the shit designer @Strae already

  5. Monks


    o7 maybe ill hit u up on gta sum tiem
  6. fuck boys steam is down https://steamstat.us/


    nvm it just went back up... 
    congrats @sploding on FTO

  7. Suicide Bombers with infinite free suicide vests
  8. Been having some problems with my pc. Thinking about resetting it. Should i do it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Monks


      @PoptartRex nothing much, just some slow downloads and laggy in games. I already did it tho so hopefully it helps lol

    3. PoptartRex


      Yeah if your HDD or SSD is somewhat full then yeah that might help

    4. Unjo


      Maybe try a defrag if its HDD

  9. Imagine losing a BW LOL NOOBS @Mason Harrison @SuWooP

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Cooper:P


      Then keep top fragging like ion see the point in talking shit on the forums gangs will alwyas lose a fed it’s not like it’s a rare thing to happen and honestly I can’t remember the last time I have seen you on as civ at a fed 

    3. Monks


      @Cooper:P the status update as a whole was a joke lmao. I said the word "noob."

    4. Cooper:P


      I mean you never know 

  10. Happy birthday to my bestest friend @Billeh


    Also GL to all the ppl starting school today or some time soon

  11. its ok man if your kid is having health issues take care of him
  12. Does this mean they will not be provided? Or are they just not allowed at all.
  13. Happy Birthday to the man who started it all, @Dingle Pooper

  14. hbd most average support member @KudosTV

  15. Monks

    Im Upset

    Can we delete the rnr faction, byeee
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