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Everything posted by Monks

  1. That flitterflakes kid is kinda weird am I right?

    1. Dab



      @ the dude you beta

  2. It's ok nerdy your defo in my
  3. ahh yes i too save all of master zahzis posts for my pleasure late at night
  4. What dpi yall use?

    1. Noodles:D


      Whichever will get me across the map the fastest

    2. Deluxe


      Normally 400, 16,000 when i dpi jump

  5. Bro who the hell are you. Have fun with spawned money on archeshit. Seems like you need it lmao
  6. was just about to post that and the bomb percentage isnt that bad either. The whole point of banks is that they are easier than feds and bws and meant for smaller gangs. Ofcourse if a bigger gang does one its going to be hard. Even if there is a big gang i still usually clap cheeks on cop. Bank is balanced change my mind... https://gyazo.com/529b30eb1bc55d3969fc6868367b5dcc
  7. Lmao i always knew you were doodoo at the game
  8. turned off voters names zzz
  9. PO @decla back in business!

  10. We need something to bottleneck betting. In game betting has literally made @i chop hatchbacks lose thousands of real money because he started betting irl.
  11. Was already in the last civ roundtable Add the green SPAR-16 and SPAR-16s to Rebel @Raquese Still unable to purchase 150-round magazines without warpoints. 180k is a retarded price tho lmaoo
  12. mane stop sellin yo shit just cuz u broke cuh
  13. Could've swore this was already a thing but aight.
  14. give deps tractors. I feel it matches there personality, S L O W.
  15. Definitely not calling deps... They gonna blow the guy up or some shit lmao
  16. Some guy asked if i could help him with his support case and i told him no because i'm not a support member (yet) and this was his response lol 

  17. NOOOOOOO SQUEAKER DOWN! @GoonThe13Yearold @Cale we must carry on his legacy.
  18. lets just give vigis ghawks like why not lol its balanced lol
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