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Status Replies posted by Fedot

  1. @Donald Tr ump
    [NSM] Lloyd

    1. Fedot


      xD they have been playing s2 bc they keep getting fucked

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  2. @Donald Tr ump
    [NSM] Lloyd

    1. Fedot


      IM not sure how its metagaming. Your shit screening process caused this. FFS he joined with the same fucking name

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  3. @Donald Tr ump
    [NSM] Lloyd

    1. Fedot


      I was gonna roast Donald Trump on his insecure website. But decided to refrain.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  4. If anyone is interested in Civ VI, i just got a coupon in my steam inventory for 50% off. LMK if you want it. 

  5. who was the web dev @Jesse i want to give them some props

  6. I don't know about you, but I think the Ghosthawk needs fixing. 


  7. @Jesse so is it known putting the medical masks in a crate gets u kicked for add cargo #0?

  8. Almost a month ago @Peter Long said "expect a GW post soon." Xd xd xd xd xd xd xd where it at?

  9. Just had to one up da boy @3 Rip


  10. Shout out to @Poseidon for blocking me via CLoudFlare... Try again

  11. Life as a deputy is just too rough...

    @Strugglebus you pushed me too far haha


    1. Fedot


      dtruggkle bus is a girl and ignis is trying to get it in

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  12. As much as I give respect to people on here it would be nice to get some back ('_')

  13. I love getting hit off. 

  14. So the server 3 lock defiantly changed the game... Sever 2 turned into a war-zone a lot of allies broke. Seems we are going back to Dayz rules -_- 

  15. Just want to give a shoutout to @Peter Long, you guys have no idea how much he does for all of you and the staff.

  16. $20 sent to my PayPal will get you @Fedot's work address. 

  17. just stopping by to say hello to all my children. wow these forums are still poppin widout me

  18. What's the going rate now a days for a full Sr APD loadout and uniform?

  19. For those of us including me if you live in Florida did ya evacuate or no

    (I didn't bye the way)

  20. For anyone who has encountered me and my garbage post-hurricane internet these last few days - Sorry ^_^

  21. @Jesse The Altis economy has ground to a halt because people cannot copy and paste texts I send them. They cannot invest because they cannot get to my forum page without typing the full link out :(

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