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Everything posted by wshd

  1. c6d75596288886820adf799723f2af1c.png

    fat dude tried to steal stunna's candy.... so he upped it😈🤪🤣

  2. considering dropping out of school to play arma, any thoughts?🧐

    1. Noodles:D
    2. syndrome


      honestly the best idea ive ever heard in my life 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

    3. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      @ multiple Olympus gamers

  3. hes means gas station robbery
  4. conquest frames are so shit. useless devs animal retards

  5. @ DeadPool you have brain cancer

  6. free munchos!!!! 💯

  7. wshd


  8. 5-0 against the community🙈

  9. free catholic boy @ Rise

    1. Rise


      it would be highly appreciated 🙂

  11. great day we are having! love this server!

  12. @ Mako  how  you do your eyeliner?💅 

  13. yo free Rise and sy

  14. no chance i grinded hours of s2 conquest for this dogshit wetsuit https://imgur.com/a/6eWQ7Vv

    1. CocoisDead
    2. silton


      Lead designer that uses gimp ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    3. buckie
  15. while you were purchasing olympus+ I was playing s2 conquest with 13 fps.

  16. @Ryan S2 CONQUEST IS PISS! REMOVE S2🤬 HOST ALL CONQUESTS ON S3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😩

  17. @Ryan close your dogshit s2 and make conquest s3 only

  18. wshd

    bye bye

    my nigga tech
    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I just can't believe he broke NLR smh

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