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Everything posted by Sho-Time

  1. Congratz to my muthafuckin boi @Trimorphious on Corporal!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slaughter
    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      @Trimorphious fuck yeah! Congrats brother. Also with your voice you should be dept chief. @Sandman should know this. 

    4. Trimorphious


      @Bubbaloo Burrito thanks man i went through double puberty

  2. and thats how you ended too o7
  3. @Jelly Donut Do you play 2k on pc?
  4. Well for all who care, I got engaged today! 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dicky


      Fuck I was hoping you’d ask me. Congrats tho she lucky 

    3. Birb


      yay illegal 3 sum time

  5. Server?
  6. Contests @Dank MeeMoo do great things

  7. Role player of the year I swear. Jesus man, stop getting all the stuff... First FTO now this. next mod @SystemChips
  8. Sho-Time

    Bet me

    best i can do is 1k
  9. Any1 here interested in taking part in a poker world cup on olympus?

  10. Best I can do is 5m
  11. Gz to the realest Role-players on the server @SquirrelSensei @SystemChips!

    1. SystemChips


      thank you i take much pride in my rp

  12. Sho-Time


    Crooked cop role play.
  13. I know for a fact if I ever draw my pistol there's no words being spoken. Only death...
  14. If I [Player "A"] am in a gang who is at war with [Gang "X] and I shoot and kill enemy gang member [X | One] and then notice [X | Two] who is tagged but is not in their gang, am I engaged with [X| Two]? I would assume yes but since I didn't engage either player Its kind of weird imo.
  15. Its not like you're hurting lmao.
  16. Stop sending the money first zZ
  17. Made 300 in a hour, pretty worth to me
  18. Selling MX tasers 400k each
  19. My biggest part of my earlier statement is that its not worthwhile to do fed for the current amount of money dropped vs total money you risk so increasing the money slightly might be the way to buff its play stats. To be fair though, how often do you auctually "just die?" Most people still try to get a taze off then die or taze one and then try to restrain and die(All situational of course). One time on civ I had a PO and a dep wave into my gang of 7+ people 13 times(not exaggerated). And while them bringing 5 more PO's could of made it more dangerous, 1 lethal makes it wayyyyyy more risky to stay. tldr, lethals win fights.
  20. While I think the bank is unplayable right now, I do agree that civs don't do(or win) major federal events other than Jail right now. I'm quite interested in the stats from "fed season" when there were feds going on every day @Mr Majestic? I may be wrong but since fed season there haven't been any major(or minor) changes to any federal event. I feel as though the barrier to entry to pull off a successful fed at the moment is very high which is weird since rich players don't need to do feds and poor players(and low skill players) cant. Nothing persuades people to do something more than money or a higher drop chances. I'm just saying, most times(but not all) lethal's being deployed is a sign that the APD is loosing the fight and while i agree it sucks that lethal splitting was removed(coming from someone with lethals) it also sucks loosing fights.
  21. RIP to the Goat Kobe Bryant

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