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Status Replies posted by Karma

  1. It’s too cold man 

    1. Karma


      @ Lucien there just truly is no way he's getting an invite before I am 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. RIP Mr Lea 💔

    If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know all of you. He wasn't a player, but being home to care for him these past several years led me to gaming.

    Take care of your health, its the only thing that can prevent you from living.

    Mr Lea died from complications of type 2 diabetes that he was non compliant with the entirety of his life. In the end, his kidneys had failed, his eyes were failing, he couldn't walk very far or steadily, he couldn't feel his hands or feet.

    And last night I said my goodbyes in a cardiac ICU while a nurse was on top of him doing chest compressions.

    And all he had to do was track his blood sugars and moderate his diet.

    Pray for our daughters and grandchildren.

    And if I'm in game these next few days and look more lost than ever, I am. Maybe don't report me for that RDM 😉 or blown up fed truck 😃 

    1. Karma


      Thinking about you ❤️ and I'm sure the staff will give you a few get out of ban cards to blow off some steam. please take care of yourself 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. This SS13 Youtuber I'm subbed to made a video on olympus lmao 

  4. @ Karma congrats on the umcoming events

  5. Well BMT sucked. Anyways whats happening over here?

    1. Karma


      If you didn't go into the airforce you're  a clown that BMT was fun as shit

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. when staff put in new houses in kav just for them and their friend group could take them cuz 😂 

    1. Karma


      had no heads up of the update, just played at the right time

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. Just landed in Athens.

    First thing I am doing is going to Kavala


    1. Karma


      Can't wait to see "Olympus player actually rook banged IRL"

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. leaving early this morning to visit my parents back home, will back wednesday the 7th. 

    hope everyone enjoys the holiday

  9. @ Karma  you still fragged 2 of us lmao

  10. I be sucking so much dick on Thanksgiving no kizzie

  11. https://store.steampowered.com/app/962130/Grounded/
    Free to play for this weekend, 4 player co op for those that need to break your arma addiction 

  12. Ahahaha deleted my Ron post. dog shit biased staff I will release all staff secrets if Ron doesn't receive perm cpl

  13. PSA: SWAT Applicants are now only required to have 7 days time in grade as a Patrol Officer instead of 14. Individuals denied from SWAT now only have to wait 14 days from their denied date instead of the 1 month.

    @APD Member

  14. @KeithR nice corp ego cause i wouldnt give you money fucking nerd only thing you are known for is sucking a tranny off 

  15. @KeithR nice corp ego cause i wouldnt give you money fucking nerd only thing you are known for is sucking a tranny off 

  16. ca1350f867aac9b89b451b5eec0fe5ef.png


    silla kinda not having a good day today 😕

  17. It appears there was a bug with house expiry. Houses that were lost will be restored tomorrow morning (12/09) during the hotfix. New house purchases will be reversed.

    If you bought a house that got reversed, make a comp ticket.

    1. Karma


      Babysitting guys who havent got on for 45 days zzzz

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  18. selling 7 LT uniforms and 2 titan launchers 

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