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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. I have Windows 7 and am eligible to upgrade to 10 for free. Is it worth it? I also have two drives; an SSD boot drive and a disc drive for storage. Does that matter?
  2. My face when you're listening to Pandora and Surfin' Bird comes on.


  3. I really don't see a point in making a post like this, dude. It doesn't invite anything good.

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Me whenever I get the "CAN U DO MY INTERVIEW" question.

  5. MF when we only have one Dev now... 07 Djwolf. Thanks for all of the content you helped bring to the server. Without your hard work and dedication, Olympus would be a shadow of what it is today. May your future be bright.
  6. Not something any of us wanted to do in the first place, but our hands were forced when everyone and their uncle came out of the woodwork to call us biased. I've made it my mission as the Chief to have the Senior APD follow the straight and narrow and to be as transparent, fair, and balanced as possible. The Library is necessary. It's so we can't sweep certain things under the rug while enforcing the other things. It's not our intention to lambast those who make mistakes. Our intention is to show the community that when tickets get submitted, people get disciplined no matter where they're from or whom they're affiliated with. It also serves as case law. If a report is submitted and is thrown out, the rest of the APD can look to that instance and know that they can do whatever was in the report without fear of punishment. Conversely, they can look to the library to see what will warrant discipline. I know it may look unfair to some, but we made it with the best of intentions. If the majority of the community want to see it gone, then make your voices heard. We listen and we're not opposed to change. It will stay until then.
  7. Lieutenant Grandma Gary accepted my ticket three to five days after my applications and Sergeant HamOfMoose gave me my Deputy Test about a week later. It should also be noted that Adi and I were in the same Deputy Training Class back when they did a dozen guys at a time. Good times. I'd say the APD has improved vastly in terms of ticket response times and acceptance-to-interview times since then.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Brennan


      I can't imagine their thought process. They, one, wanted to get banned and make a funny scene, or, two, genuinely thought they could getting away with having over 1 billion each. Either way they are still idiots ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    3. Dustin87


      we caught those kids at meth clemenza lmao

    4. Colt


      I might of sold them that money um yeah my paypal balance is at $12500 from my calculations here.

  8. Don Shipley for Vice President 2016


    1. DeadPool
    2. Fuzy


      I watch this guys False Valor videos all the time, he's great.

    3. DoctorK


      "Don't forget those fucking canadians." Words to live by




    1. Bow


      Any good clips from the fed we did with 40 slam mines? :>

    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      This is the only one.

    3. Linka


      I was expecting someone to die honestly

  10. @SNOOPY-_

    Stop spamming people for interviews. You'll have yours when a Sergeant + is available. @Low Tier Senior Andrew @Talindor @Wftmguy Delay this guy for a week for his insolence. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Talindor


      He got you too @Fat Clemenza? Oh he's doing on the forums as well lol will do.

    3. Ninjaman427


      He even went to me like t'f.

  11. It's like a game of telephone in this community. One way or another, things get lost in translation. But still, four accounts is significant. Whether or not your ban was just, I would imagine the staff would have a hard time getting past that factor.
  12. I must be misinformed. I've been told by various staff members that they've banned between a half-a-dozen to a dozen of your alternate accounts. Obviously, they were factoring in the ones Cake supplied you as well.
  13. I can't refute that, however I can refute that it's a false ban; that's just an opinion. He also ban evaded on at least a dozen accounts. I mean, do you really expect the Staff to have any sort of leniency on a guy who did that? I can't really blame them for immediately resolving his tickets. Trying to appeal it is futile at this point. They won't listen, and given the circumstances, I can't say I blame them. He's the master of his fate. Again, nobody to blame here except the dude that's serving a perm.
  14. He threw away any chance he had when he ban evaded on multiple accounts. Nobody's fault but his.
  15. Slow and steady wins the race.
  16. The feeling when your Written and Physical Test scores with one agency are enough to waive both tests with another agency. I've made it to the Oral Board with Laguna Beach PD and Orange PD.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      It's no secret that Southern California has the highest paid cops. Then again, you're looking at a two-bedroom apartment for $2000/Month and a two-story, three-bedroom house for anywhere from $500,000-$750,000 depending on the area. 

    3. Talindor


      True, also based on the area in regards to crime rate being a factor as well. Some cities here only have a sheriff department as they are not that large for a police presence in them. Man good luck I know you will pass.

      I know some studios here in seattle are over 1k and the surrounding cities it's 1200 for a two bedroom apartment. Some agencies here range 3-4 depending on location.

      If you pass you would be on probation period as well as far as I recall, no drinking, etc. Don't know if they still do that. 

    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Yep. There's a 1-Year Probationary period after the academy where they can pretty much fire you for wearing the wrong brand of sunglasses. Parties won't be thrown until I pass probation.

  17. It was real money. He said he'd have the money ready in a month's time. No. It was TroyOGG.
  18. Some idiot offered me $400 for an unblacklist, but I, like Donald Trump, cannot be bought.
  19. Message to Deputies

    Gotta follow ya Sergeants directions or get yo ass pumped with a swift demotion; learn a lesson from the Chief: stay in yo place and don't ask for real muthaphukkin Stings.

  20. Where's the poll, dude?
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