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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. With some of the live bans (albeit lifted) I’ve seen recently, I don’t take much stock in this.
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. silver


      bruh did you just say you got friends on server 1 and 2 lmao

      think he meant irl my homie with more chromies

    3. NexIV


      I know a good chunk IRL, and I also have a lot more friends in IRL besides people on here as im still in high school, again, have a great day being toxic... Hope its fulfilling your life :D 

    4. silver


      ok scat civ rep nex have fun with your friends on server one AND two!

  2. I mean, some would argue that even the owner is retired on duty and he doesn't even know it.
  3. @HurricaneSucks winky

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hurricane





    3. eggmasta


      Of course @Hurricane brings food up. Smh

    4. Hurricane


      OK @Eggman U WANT SOME TOO




      U GOT IT 

  4. So what's the point of bait cars if Civs can check vehicle registration now?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Messy_0


      For real tho

    3. NexIV


      I have seen one bait vehicle in my life on Olympus and trust me I look for them, cause its a free tempest device half the time. Run up to it, GPS jam, repair, lockpick. Go to sand mine or some shit, act all innocent when the cop approaches asking for the vehicle back. Shoot him. Easy. 

      In other words... dont bother with bait cars.

  5. @DeadPoolLet's get an Armed Plane Crosshair added into the Donation Goal.

    1. Viper


      @DeadPool after 3k kills w/ the plane it adds a 2nd gun to the wings ez 


    1. DeadPool


      I almost choked on my food


    2. Millennium


      lmfao, I just realized that he stabbed the kid in his dick

  7. Thought you'd appreciate this. 


  8. Started out with MCPD, then MCOS, and now our ownership is proof positive that it’s MC Ownership. I’m so proud. Whadaya think @Corporal Moob? But seriously. I’d like to see a modded server and/or GTA V RP server. Like some have said, ArmA will inevitably die, so it’d be good to diversify.
  9. I’m neither here nor there vis a vis @Scribble, but this man made a DIY video on how to do an oil change on a lawn mower. That was a selfless act of public service to his community. Headshooting him would be a slap in the face to every lawn mower enthusiast out there and is a poor way to repay him. 

  10. This dude's searching "joi" on YouTube.... https://clips.twitch.tv/CleanCoyCockroachTooSpicy

  11. Made by yours truly... https://youtu.be/8YGlLdzTOA0



    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Gotta give Stephen Hillenburg some credit 

  12. They don't need one. Australia's a penal colony. Every Australian is, or is directly related to a criminal. Criminals don't have rights, so the Australian authorities can circumvent due process. @SiltonGet fucked, convict.
  13. YHM Phantom M2 .30. We’re looking at a Rugged Obsidian 45 for our handgun can, but that’s for later.
  14. Yeah I meant there’s three people on the trust. The FFL we’re going through doesn’t have a range, so we can’t shoot it. On the plus side, the only thing we had to pay for was the tax stamp. Pop won the can in some sort of lottery, so that’s $800 saved right there.
  15. We started a trust about a year or so ago and we’ve had a can in jail for about the last eight months. Mind you it’s the first Form 4 we’ve tried on a trust, so maybe it’s taking so long because they have three signatures to approve? I don’t know, but it’s frustrating. We just picked up an Accuracy International AT308 and we were hoping to shoot it suppressed before the new year, but oh well. The new rifle will be fun enough.
  16. How long did your Form 4 take? Did you go through a trust or individual?
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