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APD Officer
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Midnight last won the day on June 18 2017

Midnight had the most liked content!


About Midnight

  • Birthday 09/07/1993

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  1. 2080ti giveaway


    1. Pwnda


      ur welcome for the ip

  2. free steam key for qbqbqbq 


  3. best gaming laptop for $1200 and under, ready go!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Midnight


      wait the laptop isnt for me i have a pc with an i7 8700k and a 1080ti, looking for someone else that needs one

    3. KrispyK


      some people need portable.

    4. Reckless


      8 hours ago, MPORage said:

      just buy a prebuilt pc and throw a 1060 and i7 7700k in :)

      then why buy a prebuilt in the first place

  4. oh shit did i miss the Civ metting? when was it?

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Dang, I missed it too! I wish I would've known when it was.

    2. N7Zero


      right? i didnt get any info about a civ meeting... wtf this is BULLSHIT

  5. JUST A PSA:

    Dont buy an Asus 1080Ti strix. im on my 4th one that doesnt work

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Midnight


      nah its the cards. i take it out and put my 980 in and i have no issues with it what so ever

    3. MAV


      have you tried the cards in a different board? Have you updated the BIOS and video drivers?

    4. J O E

      J O E

      What wattage is your psu rated for mate?

      I know the 1080 draws slot of power 

  6. Can also confirm, but to be fair you cant get bad if you're bad to begin with like i was
    1. DeadPool


      I saw that from my Go KArt

    2. Poro
    3. Colt


      I still think Dustin does it better 


  7. have a key for dead pixels sitting around. dont have any clue what the game is nor do i want the key. if you want it just reply with a number between 1 and 50 and closest one gets it. 

  8. go follow EWI he only needs 8 more to qualify for affiliate https://www.twitch.tv/ewi4ever

  9. another school shooting today

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Shooter was killed by a School Resource Officer. The girl may die, but the guy is stable. Nobody’s talking about the bombings in Texas. I wonder why? Maybe it doesn’t fit the liberal agenda. 

    3. DeadPool
    4. Zephyr


      21 minutes ago, Fat Clemenza said:

      Shooter was killed by a School Resource Officer. The girl may die, but the guy is stable. Nobody’s talking about the bombings in Texas. I wonder why? Maybe it doesn’t fit the liberal agenda. 

      Yeah feels good when you live in Austin and someone put a trip wire out less than a mile away from your house. Or when the post office you went to a week ago blew up... 

  10. youre a pussy for offline raiding

    1. LongInactiveAccount


      How can you criticise people for using common sense?

    2. Temple
    3. codeYeTi


      Competitive people on games that are shit competitive platforms are kind of hilarious at times. (read: Altis Life, Rust, etc.)

      Nothing against @Midnight, but just a thought.

  11. give us the subs you dick and leave the fucking brackets alone
  12. o7
  13. up the pay out for taking so long
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