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OG Doc

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by OG Doc

  1. Played for 18 years... I'm old
  2. Watching hockey...go Sens!!!!
  3. If anybody see's any apd officers flying without collision lights at night please send @Corporal_moob a pm

  4. Damn @Tman15tmb

    1. Tman15tmb


      I'm going to start bumping up the moderation times until people get a clue. I'm sick of hiding posts in recruitment threads. -___-

  5. Keep in mind if you have 10 crates all in one house and you sell one of your other houses you don't know which crates will disappear.
  6. It's a Spar 16, some Apex weapon PO's have access too.
  7. @Grandma Gary is always up for a one night kinda thing
  8. OG Doc


    Not the place for this, submit a ban appeal http://olympus-entertainment.com/support/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pledge


      Walmart really does a bang-up job

    3. Mooey


      Damn.... if I did that I would literally be beaten. :( Feelsbadman

  10. so is 24 months
  11. This falls under soon
  12. That's to run a basic arma server with basic ram and no dedicated boxes......if you don't mind playing at 3 fps, not being able to own or store anything and remove 95% of the servers features that would be great
  13. Try this, fixed my issue with the texture glitch may work for black screening. I do still get the texture glitch if I don't use it so it's working for me right now. As it was mentioned above you could also try manually setting your ram in your arma settings.
  14. Happy Birthday Tai

  15. The only time apd are NOT allowed to engage via text is in redzones
  16. Dammit!!!!!! @Grandma Gary I dunno how long its been there but I just noticed it! I believe that title would be better suited for @Talindor

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tman15tmb
    3. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      1 hour ago, Sociopathic said:

      @Talindor's should be Mass Mover Abuser.

      Or 3 Times The Charm.

    4. Grandma Gary
  17. I forgot who the Charlie Lt was....never see him We'll meet up at the Kavala burger shop, McDili will buy the squad beers
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