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Peter Long

Peter Long
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Everything posted by Peter Long

  1. Official Statement - Kyle Lake is no longer KOS. 



    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Ryan


      @Peter Long Already got the wishlist open

    3. Millennium


      thats not what this says 



      Just now, Millennium said:

      thats not what this says 



      LIKE YOU SAID CAN't BE LIFTED BY ANYONE BUT @McDili AND @Grandma Gary(never said you could lift it)

  2. Drama stream? 


    1. drama


      Okay fine I will

  3. Coffee isnt illegal. O7
  4. Lag and desync were awful on that though, however it will be something to look into.
  5. Alright guys and gals listen up. This post is intended for input and ideas only. Any trolling will be met with a public roast so horrible that you will never been seen the same way in the community again. Gang Wars. You all know that this event is my baby. I (with a metric fuckload of help from Staff and Olympus Community Members) have turned this event from something that started as a forum joke to a pretty well polished machine. Give me your thoughts on the way this event works. This involves everything from the set-up, to the meetings, to the rules, the tourney itself, and EVERYTHING involved. Is the event too big? Too long? Hosted on a bad server? Too restrictive in the applications? Not restrictive enough? Not fun? I know the frequency of the event is not where we would all like it, and that is something that I am working on. I wanted to make some changes to the event, and normally I would just do it. However, in this instance, I would like to see what you all think and feel about it, and maybe air your ideas.
  6. To be fair, i dont tell everone in my stream that they are uneducated retards and wave my dick around. When you are a bad person, people will shit on you. Also, def wouldnt take any action on Olympus players for ANYTHING ever said on my stream. Its separate.
  7. Hey, you! Come chill! 


  8. I love the rumor mill.
  9. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19Yn2_fZnG1JMeN34fhAH8b01mY3lfPYIzaG-aS6BOGQ/edit?usp=sharing
  10. Congrats to TI for winning Gang Wars. We will be posting stats here shortly. 


  11. For all of those who are asking, YES IT IS TOO LATE TO CHANGE ROSTERS FOR GANG WARS. 

    1. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      I'm the only person currently in my gang. You should make it me vs every gang participating, but I have 1K health. Now THAT would be entertaining.

  12. For anyone in the path of the Hurricane, please be safe. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Temple


      @Caleb Snackbar  i live somewhere in sc, dam ya got me

    3. yung matt

      yung matt

      well good thing im not getting a direct hit, but last year i got jit pretty year with Irma

    4. Tom


      i live on wrightsville beach. where the eye is literally hitting lmao

  13. How many times are we going to RDM tonight? 



  14. Read em and weep boys and girls. A few late additions/removals have been fixed. If you don't see your name, you didn't have enough hours on olympus/your gang leader sucks. Good luck to all! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P32XnEqDuVu6xaX4bePjxfXIqt9hDD6qIijWKpe9ei4/edit?usp=sharing Please leave your predictions below!
  15. o7 son.
  16. f26e85eb757765af53a853d042082925.png

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Is it even gang wars if MC don't go right to round 2?

  17. Gang Wars leaders meeting tonight at 8pm est. Do not forget or your gang will not be allowed to compete.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      I can’t get on TS tonight so I guess I’m not competing.

    3. -dante-


      @HunterBklyn you can assign someone to go in your place. 

    4. MAV


      ^ this I believe only a representative of your gang/team needs to attend

  18. RULES Individuals who have been banned in the past for lag-switching, combat exploiting, or scripts will be disqualified instantly. You may not be currently banned on Olympus Servers if attempting to participate. If you try to evade, your account will be permanently banned, and your teammates disqualified. Rosters must have a minimum of 8 players, with a maximum of 12. Subs lists are restricted to 3 players. If you do not include correct player IDs, your gang will be disqualified. Must be in Olympus TeamSpeak with Gang tags visible by 11:30 AM Est on September 15th, 2018, and in your Gang’s Channel. GANG LEADERS must be present at our meeting on Saturday, September 8th, 2018 at 8pm est. If you are not present at this meeting, send your second in command. Only gang leaders will be allowed in the meeting. If nobody shows up for your gang, you are disqualified. At any point during Gang Wars if I feel that a player is out of bounds, exploiting, cheating, or in some way not fulfilling the equal fighting game play intended for Gang Wars, they will be killed, disqualified, and their gang disqualified. This is at my discretion. Any player found impeding the process of Gang Wars in anyway will be subject to administrative action on Olympus Servers. This is at my discretion. Don’t bring on players who are ineligible, banned, or who do not meet the rules stated above. INFORMATION Rosters must be finalized and submitted by Saturday, September 8th 2018 at 11:00 PM est. When applying, make sure that your player list is complete WITH SUBS AND THEIR PLAYER IDS. Players with less than 150 hours on Olympus entertainment servers WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. This Gang Wars will be our 13th, so we are going BIG on the Winners! 1st place will receive GW Winner tags in TeamSpeak, $20 million in game gang funds, and a billboard in Kavala with a roster list and gang picture taken. 2nd place will receive $12 million in game gang funds The GW will be live streamed at https://www.twitch.tv/sirpeterlong/ I will save the VOD on the stream, and upload it to YouTube for people who missed it Submit your Roster https://goo.gl/forms/nD9vlMU3eRs70Klj2 – DUE September 8th by 11:00 PM EST Gang Wars XIII Will be live September 15th, 2018 at 12:00 est.
  19. Attention! This post has been moved to the Olympus Wiki. Olympus Player Report Evidence Guideline __________________________________________________________________________________ **DISCLAIMER** Staff looks very differently at a report than the normal player, therefore there might be situations where you might believe that they are breaking a rule where we disagree, and in that case we will explain this in the report. There are always going to be gray areas, but in that case you can always ask a staff member or support team member on clarifications on the rules. For any questions, please create a support request by going here and creating a general inquiry. __________________________________________________________________________________ RDM When reporting for RDM make sure to ALWAYS have 5 minutes before you get tazed / killed / shot at. Exempt scenarios: If you just logged in / if you are dead and just got revived (Some cases may require some video prior) If you respawn to another area still make video 5 min long (though if engaged you should never respawn as it is considered combat log) Excessive tazing is considered RDM and is situational (Recommend showing some context prior to being tazed.) __________________________________________________________________________________ Fail RP If you are killed in restraints evidence needs to just show you being killed. If you are left stranded in restraints video needs to show who left you and show enough to consider being abandoned. If you take coms/GPS and they don’t follow, video must show you taking them and any incident afterwards. If someone engages you and you believe they didn't give enough time to react you will need need video of the command being given until the death occurs. (some cases will require 5 min prior to being tazed / killed / shot at) Example: __________________________________________________________________________________ Combat log/store Evidence must show you being engaged and them logging out or storing their vehicle / driving vehicle into water where it can’t be retrieved. Screenshots can be valid form of evidence, if it can 100% prove it was within the period of engagement. A third party reporting based off just a screenshot will not be valid. Video must properly show the drivers name as well as the person storing the vehicle. Example of where a screenshot is enough evidence for combat logging. Disclaimer: Logging out to avoid a situation (Logging out when getting revived so you don't get caught, or logging right before someone engages) is considered combat log __________________________________________________________________________________ VDM/RVD Evidence must show the person who was operating and the incident and that is all. If multiple people are in the vehicle evidence may have to prove who was operating. Vehicle on vehicle collision needs to result in death for it to be counted as VMD. Running someone over excessivly just to keep them down is also considered VDM. Examples __________________________________________________________________________________ Exploiting Evidence must and only have to show the Exploit. Abusing an in-game function in a way it is clearly not intented to achieve an advantage is exploiting Exploiting is considered as abusing an in-game bug or using a game mechanic in a way that it's not intended to be used. passenger seating / restrained and getting in vehicle /”Super Jumping” to gain an advantage/ Jumping out of a moving car while restrained ( though can be considered Combat Log also.) Examples: __________________________________________________________________________________ Vigi-abuse If you are robbed and sent to jail the person whom sent is at fault not the robber, evidence must show you being robbed and sent to jail. If you are not read your charges evidence must show from the point of being restrained until sent to jail. (This is because a lot of people read you charges as you are being driven/flown to your location rather than when you reach the vigilante outpost). Most cases will just need from the point of restrained until sent to jail. __________________________________________________________________________________ NLR Must show the person dying and them coming back to the radius. Must show them not being revived / epi’d Dead bodies dissolve and leave a puddle of blood when they DC/respawn, if not they are waiting for revival. Examples: __________________________________________________________________________________ Meta Gaming The definition of meta gaming is to use RP information and use it in a way that is outside of RP, such as putting locations of people in side-chat and/or using information that you acquired on one faction and using it on another. Examples: __________________________________________________________________________________ Tips: If reporting multiple people make separate reports for each, especially if separate videos. Try to edit videos down to the required amount needed per case and they will be resolved faster. Record more than the last 5 min at a time and edit what you need after. Using a heavily edited video that results in staff not being able to tell time will result in the ticket being denied for improper evidence. __________________________________________________________________________________ Abbreviations NLR = New Life Rule CL = Combat Log RDM = Random Deathmatch VDM = Vehicle Deathmatch RVD = Random Vehicle Destruction __________________________________________________________________________________ If you are ever in doubt of if a rule is broken in a situation, always feel free to report it. For any questions, please create a support request by going here and creating a general inquiry. Written by: @Jamie, @Fake Grandma
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  20. PETER LONG PODCAST MONDAY NIGHT 8pm est. We are going over your first impressions of Malden, updates to Altis, and GANG WARS!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      Wait did i read thaat right gang wars ??

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Malden Gang Wars confirmed!!!11oneelventynine1!12

    4. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      cant boot me offline on a different map :Kappa:

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