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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. I'm gay
  2. Pewdiepie fags
  3. o7 the Red Hand Commando. Thanks for keeping this bot in your gang back in the day before cartels were even a thing. You better let me carry you in battlegrounds still Oh and btw @Corporal_Moob lel
  4. Is it me or is this website slower than @snipeZ

    1. Savage


      Idk if ur fucking around or not but now that you said this the website is pretty slow. At first I thought it was my internet but now that you said it aswell...

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Cloudflare is bending over, shoving it's fist up it's ass and eating it so it can shit all over itself some more.

  5. eyyy 100th reply what's good
  6. Fuck Pledge, stay safe you Florida plebs <3 and I guess @DeadPool1337

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      It's been 25 years since FL was hit with a Cat 5. You'd think if a person had any sense, they'd move the fuck away, but nooooo. You Floridians made your bed. Now sleep in it.

    3. iPopsicle


      The only natural disaster that happens in New Hampshire is all the Massholes that come up.

    4. Stelar


      I live in south Florida and am staying at home, all buildings in Florida have a super strict building code to deal with hurricanes


  7. Minecraft server is up!

    1. Ninjaman427
    2. Marty


      I notice one of the rules says "no cursing." Does this include non-offensive interjections like fuck and shit, or only words which target specific groups of people, like n---- and f----- ?

  8. IP: Useful Information: Buycraft link: http://oefactions.buycraft.net/ This page will be developed more once I fix my sleep deprivation. The server is still not completed, but it is done enough for you guys to enjoy it. Have fun!
      • 7
      • TriHard
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  9. Minecraft factions server will be launched sometime Friday afternoon (tomorrow) if not, Saturday!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. N7Zero



      you know what ima expose the next person. HIS NAME IS @Scare AND HE PLAYS BEDWARS WHATEVER THE FUCK THAT IS!


    3. bigPat


      The real question is, anyone out there looking to start a faction with me or got one I can join? :P 

    4. Randyy


      So many hackers will be on the server

  10. Anyone buying Destiny 2 on PC? 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DeadPool


      If yall play it or any good games on xbox hmu YoItsDeadPool

    3. Jwilly


      1 hour ago, DeadPool1337 said:

      I am on xbox but if someone wants to be the plug and hmu I will main a Titan and side a Hunter

      titan master race

    4. KrispyK


      id buy it for you tbh but #nojobincollege

  11. Just to let you guys know the MC Factions server is around %60 ready to be launched. Hoping to get it ready the next couple of days.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dangus


      Fuck yeah. I'm excited to see it up and to try it out

    3. Rusty


      people are going to literally use clients. and your not going to catch them because u know nothing about the game.

    4. Rusty


      I don't need a client im a god already at that game.

  12. iPopsicle



  14. Hopefully Mayweather actually pushes cap or this fight is going to be boring af.

  15. What do you guys think of an Olympus minecraft factions server? Just curious. 

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Savage


      minecraft was everyones childhood so don't say its trash :)

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Both versions of MC are trash =D

      ^_^ =DD (^^) HEHEXD 

    4. QKSILVR73


      @SavjuageNot mine. Asteroids, ET, raiders of lost ark games.

  16. That was hilarious.
  17. Fuck me At least he's closer to you than me. enjoy xd
  18. Hey dude, thank you for everything you've done for Olympus. idk who's going to bully me now :'(. o7 man take it easy and good luck with college!
  19. Alright your old fart when can I can you your birthday spankings? Happy bday man, enjoy it!

  20. Theme machine broke

  21. APD Play of the week


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