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Status Replies posted by Orgondo

  1. yo im trying to find a mythic progression guild for next expansion, my current guild is makeawish and cant progress through 3 month old heroic content

    1. Orgondo


      Sorry to break the news to you man, but getting into any semi serious mythic guild, with no previous logs/experience just aint happening. I'd suggest looking for a guild right now that you can get a full heroic clear with first 3-5 on Mythic because they are dogshit easy this Tier. Just fucking pad like a motherfucker in those runs to get juicy logs to be able to show in your applications

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)



    Happy Birthday Buddy!

  3. happy birthday baby @Orgondo

    happy birthday babe @nomadox

  4. Happy birthday yah ginger neckbeard! @Orgondo

    1. Orgondo


      Honestly, going to be really sad if the game isn't actually broken af in Arma 4


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Each like to this status update increases the number of times I blow up Nobles shed by 1.

    1. Orgondo


      @Skys It is extremely common for 1 charge to not do it. Trust me, I'm very experienced with sheds. Just ask Trident how fun it was to lose their sheds on all servers for 2 weeks straight.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. Each like to this status update increases the number of times I blow up Nobles shed by 1.

    1. Orgondo


      @Bloodmoon 2 hatchbacks on the middle side of a Shed with 1 charge will do it.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. 0184ecbc143eee0d55776814e09684ab.jpg

    1. Orgondo


      You'll see more Mk-14s and Rahims in this picture than a whole year on Olympus nowadays haha. Throwback af

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. Who else needs a mf haircut right now?

  9. Who else needs a mf haircut right now?



    Another one bites the dust looks like you guys are getting a bit sloppy?

  11. can league make a MMO already


    1. Orgondo


      I've already concluded it's impossible for a good MMO to be made anymore. Which fucking sucks tbh.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. I just shaved all my hair off that ive been growing out for 4 years. What are yall doing.

  13. in my 1 year on olympus i have never seen the r&r coc i just saw it and ive gotta say that is the ugliest roster ive ever seen
  14. Whoever put the Song of the Week on the APD CoC, I love you cause you found me a new band Im going to listen to

    1. Orgondo


      @Metal I see you live in Illinois as well, if you are more central and not up by Chicago, Peoria/Bloomington has a solid local scene for metal/deathcore.


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. Whoever put the Song of the Week on the APD CoC, I love you cause you found me a new band Im going to listen to

  16. Whoever put the Song of the Week on the APD CoC, I love you cause you found me a new band Im going to listen to

  17. Whoever put the Song of the Week on the APD CoC, I love you cause you found me a new band Im going to listen to

    1. Orgondo


      Your name is Metal and you haven't heard of PWD? Especially this radio shit they put on CoC

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. If any of you losers actually play osrs hmu im tryna get a lil group made

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