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Everything posted by Snare

  1. I play as a black character so can I get some clothing with black arms? I'm always a black guy with white arms. #allracesmatter.
  2. I'mma miss getting rpgd it always was a good laugh.
  3. People can still wire you money right?
  4. I would like to apologize to all Staff/ SRApd Members that I may have offended yesterday. I overreacted a bit and said some things I shouldn't have I'm glad that the staff made a lot of the changes they have recently and am glad that gang life has came back. I talked to @McDili and he took a lot of time to explain the whole situation to me. Although I wish it could have been resolved in a different way I definitely understand the staff's perspective on the issue

    1. Randyy


      i get excited wen i c a hot gurl

    2. Fyshie.
    3. Parker R

      Parker R

      TTR snare fuk em

  5. But he stated that goodman kept his rank for other reasons not for snitching. A lot of what I'm seeing is a lot of allegations with no support being thrown around honestly.
  6. And I'm truly disgusted by all the people who goat gave chances in corporal or higher positions who are applauding the choice in an attempt to make it further in a video game police department. Get Lives. 

    Oh and I would like to bring something up.That I didn't before out of respect to the former chief. Everyone in a higher-up position who has an ego because he's sapd I hope you realize the only true measure of success on a video game is skill and most of you are awful so drop the egos Bois.


    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. PoptartRex


      I always find him to fine as long as you don’t get on his bad side. Fairly active LT. And no, I did not support his removal. 

      If I were to compare him to anyone, it would be an significantly more mild tempered fuzydice, with much more activity.

    3. Snare


      Eh maybe I just caught him on a bad day. If he's anything like fuzydice I probably would have liked him. fuzydice was one of my closest "internet friends"

    4. Ninjaman427


      Outcast is an unapproachable cunt tbh

  7. Uhh yeah because the staff should be withholding information from any of the community members NVM the chief of police. You aren't the US government you don't have to be so secretive. Mongoloids.

  8. I got some rocket spell scrolls on RuneScape HMU if you want to buy.
  9. Remove csat entirely again... Please. Or increase them to 50 warpoints. Good job btw gondoid
  10. Gratz on Corp to my man linka.

  11. Let today teach us all a lesson, don't go booting stick to shooting! xd xd ik ik i'm so wise.

  12. Imagine the cancer if you could shift r up players as a vigi. I think its good for downed/surrendered and could be added to all players.
  13. well I mean I was on cop when this was going on and you guys were screaming in cop/medic channel and it was extremely annoying is all I'm saying. Other than that whatever XD people do stuff for fun on cop all the time and lukeduke already has enough time for any rank.
  14. After break but oh well im bringing pc back. Will be fun.
  15. Its a joke bois yall don't know atonomy dx
  16. Snare

    Stats page

    Oh while we are on the topic I do miss my civ cop medic pie. Great work overall though.
  17. @HyperGoat @Egnazio gratz bois ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti

  18. Can we add black carrier lites to reb?

    1. Commander Fox

      Commander Fox

      +1 and go cart uniforms

  19. Happy bday @PlugMeInPlz

    They grow up so fast.

  20. Another intelligent person to handle reports. Gratz to Rambler really good choice.

  21.  Free savage this isn't hacking. Everyboy makes mistakes.

    1. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      free the boiii :D

  22. Snare

    .50 cal giveaway

    43... why don't you just sell it xd
  23. Pcp dads birthday 2day happy bday 2 bigb my first gang leader.

  24. Gofundme for randys monitor is up www.gofundme.com/randy-replacement-monitor

    Any help is appreciated.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Unjo


      Got a 16 inch 900p monitor used to play arma on can send lol

    3. Ryan


      6 hours ago, Savage said:

      neck im to jewish for this

    4. Savage


      @Ryan thats y i quoted u

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