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Everything posted by Snare

  1. This kids a cheater!!! a threat to competition dont let him play!!!!!! On the real tho i dont even think nephew knew what dpi was when he did that we had just scooped him off the streets from some third world gang.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. heyday


      @Snare You trying new drugs at College or something?

    3. Africa
    4. Snare


      @heyday Is that andrew im a huge fan HUGE FAN DUDE!!!!?????!!!!?!

  3. Peter your killing me 5 days later and id have been on break. Eh well do one sometime over winter break or summer or someting. I mean obvi thanksgiving break is too busy but if were having one now probably wont have one over winter break Love u peter gold community metal
  4. Whys my mans dabesteva permed. The kid is a mongoloid definitly not capable of ddosing anyone. Or have we started banning based on rumors again. SMH.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. silton


      1 hour ago, Snare said:

      No my name is not dumb, it's snare and i'm a respected member of this community.

      More respected then some of the admins not to name any names.

      Aye but NH represent my man.

      For real tho dabest wouldn't know what an ip adress was if it kissed him on he cheek.

      Respected :4head:

    3. Snare


      @Silton hush u british meanie.

    4. Garrett


      6 hours ago, Snare said:

      @Silton hush u british meanie.

      Australian* don't worry I got you Silton

  5. I used to exsplain rules in a calm way if someone really didnt understand and never had a problem. People generally used to thank me for exsplaining what they did wrong. Having an actual rule regarding this is definitly helpful tho.
  6. RRandy boost boost boost i already did mine!

    1. Randyy


      u abandoned me though 

  7. Who else is boutta be watchin this season opener? Hoping cavs get the W

    1. Garrett


      of course they got the W my guy now they just gotta learn to play together... No better way to start the season than a cavs W and a warriors L

  8. @Peter Long gang wars sometime over winter break?

    1. Snare


      I would be terribly washed tho frreal frreal 

    2. Peter Long
    3. Snare


      @Peter Long yes but soon as in when we are out of school yeah:P

      Luv u peter

      But you better not have it b4 that

  9. @Grandma Gary was looking at my profile am i trouble :/

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Does it make you nervous? ;D

  10. Bingo. Hopefully it will make some type of improvement tho.
  11. What gangs are left on this awful game now?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Snare


      Really whose still in it @rp slayer and @hadi mokdad aye the tree bois out here. 

    3. bigPat
    4. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      @Snare jk chaotic died now its just prime and mt gang with jaconite that is ambition. Impulse and chaotic died after u left

  12. Monthly forum visit wts goooddddd.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dEJected Youth

      dEJected Youth

      Who said you were allowed to speak my name you dingie mongoloid? @ScreaM


    3. ScreaM


      why did u switch accounts @Snare :happygary:

    4. dEJected Youth

      dEJected Youth

      @ScreaM what are you talking about this is

      NOTORIOUS h.a.c.k.e.r 

      dejected Youth aka god of olympus not snare.

  13. Oh and @De Fuk finally free eskeetit. I will play with you in a year maybe my man :P 

  14. Pop on that videos and screenshots section of these forums and then I roll in my grave. Yikes.

  15. pce everyone I'm out for a while.

    free my bois phizx bumbaclat logr cake trimorphious garrett 

    Oh and incase my msg didn't get through i'm stepping down from pd don't wanna get dewhitelisted for missing times.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Garrett


      See you around brother, have a hell of a time in college

    3. Rusty


      is my boy cake banned? and pce bro :)

    4. De Fuk
  16. I'm hacking I was driving an ifrit around and killed two kids while in driver's seat.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iPopsicle


      2 hours ago, bigSMOKE said:

      can tell youre lying because you said you got a multi kill

      You've won the internet for the day.

    3. DeadPool


      Don't let anyone get an mp3 file of you saying that

    4. Dejay
  17. Now that you guys changed the poll I want to change my vote ;/
  18. cs tournament?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. katheeri


      implying most people don't use AHK's lul

    3. T3x4sSl4y3r1776


      wouldnt be fair, i would just get some of my friends and win free


    4. Augustus


      residentsleeper game, -1


    sorry had to do the monthly.
    oh and I mean the main bois not the hackers people have been mad at me about making these from.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. silton


      Free Jazzy and De Fuk tyty

    3. LongInactiveAccount


      9 hours ago, McDili said:

      Naw he duped.

      Considering you can give out pull down scripts legally now, I think someone who had played legit for a year is the least of your worries.
    4. Snare


      5 hours ago, William 'Daniel' Wallace said:
      I think someone who had played legit for a year is the least of your worries.

      Not to mention the fact that he made 100's of mills legitly and barely duped anything compared to that.

  20. Lil Bill is starting a new leaf: no racism

  21. First primes to scared to push a cartel now they're to scared to do a BW.

    Oh No!!!

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. silton


      we pushed you more times before. we weren't even on cap after you got wiped the first time

    3. Snare


      oh you killed two guys that time I'm sorry you must be a god.

    4. Linka


      I don't play a lot, but the times I fought against prime they would push 2-4 guys on cap and then talk shit.

      Defend while having a 3-7+ player gap, and still talk shit until we won. 

  22. I had an idea that maybe @Jesse would be possible.

    If when you sold illegal items make it count as illegal money and is seized off of you until you get it into an atm.

    This prevents people from rushing sell when cops come and not losing anything.

  23. @Jesse sdar gets seized off of pos


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