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Carrot Kid
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Blog Comments posted by Zahzi

  1. 6 minutes ago, Rossco said:

    Keep in mind that Support Team members are well within their right to give their opinion on a situation. This must be done using the facts of the information they’re given to formulate their opinion on wether or not a rule was broken or is close to being broken (rule skirting). The only thing Support Team cannot do is give their opinions on videos.


    Note: While Support Team members should be knowledgeable enough to correctly identify rule breaks given the facts of a situation, they’re not staff, and they’re not always right. If a Support member tells you that you will/should get banned for something you’ve done, they’re not staff, so they could be wrong.

    The only change that disputes brings in support team is that they leave their account of the interaction as a note on the dispute for the moderator that may review it in the future.

    Senior support team will be communicating more information shortly.

    • Like 1
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  2. 24 minutes ago, Ranch said:

    So what are the point of disputes? To request comp or something? Why wouldn't I regularly just report someone and get them banned + comp regardless? Is this just a way for support team to increase mediation, even though they aren't supposed to give opinions on tickets? 

    There's more information in the disputes post, but the gist of it is to provide an opportunity to the player being reported to provide their side of the story before a ban is placed (for example providing POV, offering to comp, etc). Addtionally, it provides additional context for the banning moderator (if comp was given, how each player handled themselves in support, etc).

    One of the primary goals is to help reduce the amount of time that players spend banned (awaiting appeal) when they have exonerating evidence or have provided compensation for a clear accident.



    • Like 2
  3. 21 minutes ago, Vigi easy money said:

    How much will the tax be?


    New House Tax System

    • Instead of interacting with your house to refresh the 45 day timer you now pay a tax between 10% and 40% a month.


    8 minutes ago, Fefe said:

    So how are we going to move our items from a house to a different one

    @Ryan with your desire to have transfer functionality 😉

  4. Roundtable Summary 2020-10-11

    1 hour ago, Vigi easy money said:

    So i could just sit in the roulette screen and not die/taze that's broken af 

    1 hour ago, Zahzi said:

    It will only apply when the player is in a state where they would lose money by dying at the blackjack table.

    1 hour ago, Zahzi said:

    The slots/roulette tables will be adjusted such that you don't lose the money if you die mid spin. 

    Did you read my response? There won't be invulnerability at anything other than the blackjack table. The invulnerability will only be there while the player is vulnerable to losing money upon death.

    50 minutes ago, Vigi easy money said:

    sit on the gamble screen and wait till 5 mins

    Won't be possible.

    Rules will deal with people that are intentionally trying to abuse it.

    1 hour ago, Monks said:

    So does this mean we will make as much money as we did in 2019???

    No, but deputies and POs won't be shafted quite as much.

  5. 15 hours ago, Bloodmoon said:

    No BW fixes ☑️

    No 50cal armed plane ☑️

    No APD titan ☑️

    Skins that only staff members with staff points will use ☑️



    16 hours ago, SPBojo said:

    What about my hex icon(s) 😞 


    10 hours ago, ferg said:

    why did u remove the n7

    to free up space for other new textures

    10 hours ago, anti said:

    Theres no mention of the processing leveling up that was added that I see?  It's fucking sick though.. I love it. 

    looks like the post never got updated... @Solomon has the details. tldr processing more shit makes the speed increase, if you stop processing for awhile the speed buff resets.

    9 hours ago, SPBojo said:

    Are you sure you didnt mean SR&R+?


    Someone did a oopsie 🤭

    is this a new hunter you bought or was it in your garage before?

  6. 1 minute ago, Millennium said:

    Imagine someone paying $250 for a uniform 🤡

    Nearly half of the medics at the rank already have it 🙂

    1 minute ago, Millennium said:

    So possession illegal weapon, or possession of weapon without a license since its a WPL weapon @sr. APD

    Sounds like a weapon without a license to me, but @Senior APD Member

    2 minutes ago, Millennium said:

    No flare gun for Staff+ ?


    5 minutes ago, rabid said:

    Blackwater vehicles spawn with T4

    when was this approved LMAO


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