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Everything posted by PJ.

  1. You prob got plenty of staff points of all those comp requests last night kid. You don't need more.
  2. @thor @Zeuse Congrats you rats 😄. Major victory for the crown today!

  3. @Mike Lit Happy Birthday Tubby!

  4. Congrats @Kedar, hopefully you see this when you're on your next "break"

    1. Zahzi



      Real picture of @Kedar hard at work

    1. sandman


      Yes for about 2 - 8 hours or something, by tomorrow should be back up and running.

  5. Betting had slowly evolved in game. It used to be at the start where people be asking for 1 mil bets, now it be 1 bil bets. Can't wait till we get to 1 tril bets.

  6. All these god damn promotions and I can barely get a PO test

  7. Rexo was removed from server group "Corporal" by Mita Rexo was given server group "Deputy" by Mita
  8. At least now I can see who's garbage idea that WPL button was @buckie
  9. "Officially". Haha, I dont know how many times Ive heard that one before from people.
  10. o7 Brother, if you become KIA we will lay your body on a burning ship headed for Altis.
  11. *Parks R&R vehicles in APD parking spots* APD:
  12. +1 all the way. Good updates
  13. I is not very dumb. Leave me doctor friendz aloneeee!
  14. @maxg @Revise o7 guys, hope you come back sooner than later

    1. Revise


      i'll still be around playing medic and civ

    2. maxg


      I'll be around the community, just the in game aspect of it not as much, I'm still gonna play with the boys when i can

  15. Do I have 5th amendment rights on Alits?
  16. See you in court
  17. Happy Birthday Buddy 😄@Slumberjack

  18. Oh shit pls dont ban me @Slumberjack OwO

  19. PS: Gonna miss you Luke
  20. Not a bad idea. We should just be able to see it or some concept drawing of it before it is released.
  21. Gang wars ???
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