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Everything posted by BlackJack

  1.  just gonna leave this here.

  2. Yo @Tman15tmb did u see that ''girl'' today again at the stop light  ? :Kappa:

    1. BlackJack


      10 minutes ago, Dinosaurlazers said:

      No he saw her in his bed. BEEITCH

      Little toxic here bud don't ya think ? 

    2. Bobby Ricky
  3. I have seen a post about donations everyday now it's getting annoying .
  4. Donations are to help the server stay up another month . They aren't meant to be prizes for us , I havent heard of a server who gives prizes for donations .
  5. I have a 2 crater u put the price bc I'm not good at pricing stuff like that
  6. Can confirm the "girl" at the stop light is a tranny . @Tman15tmb

    1. Tman15tmb


      Nope, she was a cute brunette. How come you can confirm what a tyranny looks like? You have a past experience you want to talk about??

    2. Dangus


      ..... Tyranny......


      Nice Tman. A+ for you. He also probably is one... lol xd.

  7. Has anyone been having issues with 64 bit ? 

  8. Not clash of clans m8
  9. March will be known as the month where everyone got perm'd 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brennan


      40 minutes ago, Augustus said:


      Like lil bil I guess?

    3. QKSILVR73
    4. KrispyK


      beware the ides of march

  10. 2mil
  11. Okay as u reply.......gn bud
  12. 1.5mil ! get in ts bro i really want this . We will talk about this in there.
  13. Lmao oh @Joel u ok buuuud?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlackJack


      @D1xon I'm good bud r u ? 

    3. D1xon


      @BlackJack I was good till I got banned off the forums. Tell @Ignis All about your trip to the unknown. 

    4. BlackJack


      @D1xon lmao I could care less sir as it's just the internet . 

  14. Let me get the garage 1.5 mil?
  15. It kinda sucks tho bc most of the time there's a bunch more civs than cops .
  16. Happy birthday @Bubbaloo Burrito Sense Day 1 ! 

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Thanks buddy. Thanks for getting me started here! 

    2. Danger
  17. Don't forget! If I don't get a submission in like 1 hr I will end it early.

  18. 1 mil for whoever tells me where VX Raptor is at ! So I can take my little brother , Stelar and Ham .

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. BlackJack


      Wonder how many times he has gotten done done in the booty hole ;)

    3. JoeL


      Could ask you the same question;))

    4. Strikke



      "GARNEAU, 21, of Warwick, New York, is charged with three counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, EACH carrying a minimum sentence of 15 years in prison and a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison."

  19. 1.5 mil for a picture of Poseidon 

    1. Genghis Khan
    2. platinumfire


      Image result for poseidon

      he's sitting on all the money he makes from this server :) 

    3. Fedot


      I have a picture.

  20. 1 mil in game for a real life picture of Corporal moob 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob


      I Don't hide my social media profiles. You know that, and you found my Step-mother, Who is Assistant Chief Constable, Head of Cyber Crime and CID for Northern Ireland. :D Do what you will, I tell you whut.

    3. Fedot




      BRUUUH I cant do shit bc she can track me with her l33t skills

    1. BlackJack


      Good Job Medics 10/10 

    2. Ventar


      @Muthinator is going to have an aneurysm..

    3. Fedot


      @Muthinator Disciplined me for doing a Amazing water rescue. he's gonna shotgun his brain with this one

      @BlackJack dont be a snitch, keep the medic confidential... MFW it's @LARRY823 AGAIN

  21. Ill pay alot for . How much
  22. ill buy it
  23. Anybody have any garages for sale ?

    1. Dejay


      server 1 kavala rebel garage, 20m

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