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Everything posted by BlackJack

  1. Anyone selling a Pygros rebel garage ? Will pay top dollar .

  2. Anyone selling garages close to any rebel outpost ? I'll pay top dollar for one. 

  3. That moment when u want to have a friendly fight with  1 other gang then every gang on the sever including APD shows up :bigcheef:

  4. When someone Is available. Be patient.Don't message any Senior R&R about it , as it may decrease the chances of u getting ur interview .
  5. Anybody have a garage close to athira or other rebel ?? 

  6. @CommanderSuki Be my one & only Valentine :mellow:?

    1. CommanderSuki


      I am currently not in possession of a heart warm enough to love and will therefore have to decline your generous offer :FeelsBad:

      Didn't even get me flowers and chocolate :(

    2. BlackJack


      @CommanderSuki Actually I did I was just waiting for you response if u want to me mine roe not :(


    3. CommanderSuki
  7. Can someone plz remove one of the topics I started plz thx :)

  8. wow i guess what i did for u 2 yrs ago doesnt matter
  9. lol so u decide to make a post about it ?
  10. Trump Movement gang coming soon stay tooned.  -TM- [TM] OR |TM|

    1. OlympusAccount


      Please. Let this be a thing.

  11. Anyone wants to get deported with me ? @Bubbaloo Burrito @badaim ?

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    2. BlackJack


      @Bubbaloo Burrito ok makesure ur at the border around 6 in the morning bus leaves at 8

  12. #TrumpForPresident :) 

  13. happy birthday @FaceTooPastey @Fastik @Cleve And @Blitzking have a great day ! 

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