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Everything posted by Linka

  1. @ThatNerdyGuy crazy how we make semi finals no matter what
  2. Everyone started off not that good, even the best of the old players were learning the game and picking peaches at one point. What made things easier was having a group to do runs w, get in engagements w, and have people who can watch your back. Even if you want to be a lone wolf you have to join a group a players to learn the game first.
  3. old player base are the ones that have helped keep the server alive so i dont see how this makes sense? like for the longest time cartels were the biggest part of the server which meant more gangs, more federal events, more runs, ect. From what I have seen since I came back the "new player base" is so scared to do anything
  4. this has happened a few times actually, i don't know the specific reasons but it revives some cartel life most of the time
  5. this could've been a status update
  6. time and effort @Greenbum 😕

    1. Creepy


      Just follow my lead.

  7. does anyone know how to stop cod from just crashing mid game?

  8. @vedalkenn happy birthday, enjoy spring break

    1. billdroid


      Springggg breeeeaaaakkkk

  9. can we get some cartel events poppin 

    1. SystemChips


      Make cartel tax %25 for just a week so we can catch some vibes

  10. thank you, im ready to win 12 mill with you guys
  11. because this stuff is mostly by players lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Linka


      could u not hear me laughing ??

    3. Millennium


      I was memeing, also that was ur quote.

    4. Linka


      @Millennium i was hoping it was  meme but ur toxic so i didnt know

  13. you’re getting so old :,( happy birthday son @Panda :)

  14. happy birthday designer team, don’t stop shooting smokes into the fed @Shades @GluxDesigns

  15. I am proud to announce my APD promotion to tactial coordinator, fed season is over

    1. silton


      Don't make me bring back vx tactical coord big pat

    2. J O E

      J O E

      Oh shit supreme leader pat

  16. nationals better go the distance or im going to be pissed 

    1. xDRO


      all about them Stros

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      ngl, I wouldn't mind it. They are an amazing story as it is for them being a wild card.

  17. what goat said is funny stop being snowflakes


    1. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      There's a time and a place for everything, autism jokes can be funny but a post about a disease that kills 45,000 proposing adding a donation to the donor goal. It's like making jokes about drinking at a AA meeting, or your mom jokes in an orphanage.


      People aren't snowflakes if they don't like you being an asshole, freedom of speech isn't freedom from criticism or from consequences because of your speech.



      Also if you really think that a thread about breast cancer is a good place to make autism jokes then maybe you really would benefit from an autism cure.

    2. Kamikaze


      I guarantee if it was anyone else they wouldn't care, hoes mad.

    3. Xlax
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