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Everything posted by Linka

  1. I'm really sorry to hear that man- my dad's best friend, and pretty much family, collided with a tree, and died. Drinking and driving is legit no joke. My deepest condolences, man.
  2. who are we talking about I wanna knoooooooow
  3. i wish there was a skin just for marty :\


    1. Augustus


      that pop is really fucking satisfying for some reason

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ham


      Didn't report him for aim bot. I did try and get him unbanned though, which worked.

    3. Linka


      shouldn't be a rat and come into our ts and get someone banned the next day, js. 

    4. Ham


      Lol, I don't have time for your toxicity. I messed up and I did what I could to fix it. That's all I can do. So, you can keep living in the past and not understand that people make mistakes or you can hold grudges and be immature about situations.

  5. Being moderated is the worst. Literally trying to spam all day while some guys talk shit on recruitment threads. 

    1. Heatflow
    2. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      make a new account

    3. Poseidon


      new accounts are moderated for the first 24hours after sign up ^.^

  6. Can we make Ham like a junior mod or something please 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Ham was already a moderator. He has retired from olympus and hangs around every once in a while. @HamOfMoose

    3. Tman15tmb


      I miss HamOfMoose :/

    4. Tman15tmb


      No ^___^

      Probably not ^____^

  7. Linka


    but youve already done it my friend
  8. tfw [O.O.] Kronos talks shit :FeelsBad:

  9. tfw TI does what MC did for pete and rouge and we were successful :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ham


      I don't understand what you just said John. ^

    3. Augustus


      Is -TI- coming back under the name -TI-?

    4. Linka
  10. "are we still truced?" "I don't know ill ask skeeter"
  11. There is so many people more cancer than him, like that @buckie kid is cancer. I'm cancer. You're cancer as well, he was cancer on forums because he had an ego that you people gave him.
  12. well you sit in kavala so it makes sense
  13. One, we'd never get that shit. MK-1 is a fun gun to use.
  14. Actually it says not started
  15. game keeps crashing even after verifying files on log in.. :\

    1. JebronLames
    2. BlackJack


      what error message u getting?

    3. Linka


      the "report this error" screen

  16.  flames over now :(

    1. buckie


      your a bitch,its not ya shitter

    2. Augustus
  17. Idek know dude I'll test it. edit: there we go. It does not
  18. I'll never forget when @Grandma Gary and @cLoak saved me from cops in kavala and Gary ended up paying my 1 mil tixket

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I'll never forget when @cLoak said 'Brb getting drink' mid fight leaving me and MBPSlayer to deal with endless waves of cops by Kavala Air.

      cLoak came back the next day. MBP was already b4nn3d by @Ares.

    2. Linka


      Cloak got us caught btw

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      That's all he does, simply because he bitches out and don't fight as he's bad :Kappa: 

  19. lolololololol i didnt even know that kid fought
  20. No clue who are you are, that's a genuine question I'm not trying to flame
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