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Status Replies posted by Linka

  1. So Xlax was banned for a global ban and then openly made and sold cheats and used said cheats on the server and got unbanned.

    Meanwhile CRH is still banned because of a ban on a koth server who don't provide any evidence why they ban people. Am I missing something here?

    1. Linka


      @Jig not fair, everyone on this server speaks on situations they know nothing about. but with situations like these, there needs to be more transparency to avoid posts like these.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  2. So Xlax was banned for a global ban and then openly made and sold cheats and used said cheats on the server and got unbanned.

    Meanwhile CRH is still banned because of a ban on a koth server who don't provide any evidence why they ban people. Am I missing something here?

    1. Linka


      remember @3 Rip was false banned for years, and @Symfuhny got away with ban evading for years as well lol

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  3. So i got a 2nd monitor and better specs now as well as fixed my internet problem hopefully. And to be honest the reason i stopped streaming originally is because i felt i wasn't putting out the quality content that i wanted to. But now i feel like it could be quite a bit better. Should I start streaming again?

  4. Bruh who deadass edited my birthdate to say 11/23/2010 🤣

  5. 10e025ddb5b03a2876b67f223f01374d.gif i still got voted off smooth brains

  6. What's a man gotta do to get a PO test, ffs its been 21 days!

  7. who ordered cold war and is trying to grind zombies all of friday

  8. What stocks are y'all trading? Be honest. Looking to expand the portfolio.

  9. if biden wins y'all better start counting your days.

  10. wtf is going on?

  11. Say what you want but this election proves one thing. No matter how much a president is for the people, the corrupt establishment will not lose again.

  12. Easy Florida win Trump 2020 bet my armed planes on it 

  13. T r u m p 2 0 2 0 

  14. Am I the only person who’s in their 20s that doesn’t really like drinking or smoking? I’d much rather just workout or hang with people without getting fucked up.

    1. Linka


      I used to be really into that shit, stopped drinking for no serious reason and stop smoking due to depression/work

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  15. @rabid imagine simping this hard only to get turned down....again

    1. Linka


      @Mr GOAT just gonna throw it out there, 

      many people who used to play / have been banned still use this forum. Olympus is honestly more of a gaming community than an arma 3 one at this point lmao 

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  16. Found this from the fun days of olympus b825e4a9e46f4a6f0b4170ceff3e81ae.jpg

  17. I dont know what type of reverse psychology this shit isb33020517ffacbba8dc3c0f85cf3639d.png


    1. Linka


      if u joke mans grandma you're an actually loser, like that is so fucking sad lol

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  19. Why are there like no big active gangs, just starting to play again after a few years and there are a few gangs that group up, but no gang that could log on 20+ like in the past.

  20. So when was the last time @Kedar posted something intelligent. All I ever see is 1 word posts like "True" and "Lol" 

    Stop trying to farm e-rep nerd

  21. made it 3 days, my boy comes over and i hit a vape again :(. It was only once and I got the buzz, but I am so disappointed in my self.

  22. So I don't get to see my dad that much but when I did his mom, (My grandma) often took care of me and I grew very close with her. She has had increasing health issues and lung problems over this past 2 years with it getting alot worse over the last 6 months. She then caught covid about 2 weeks ago and was unresponsive ever since until she past away just a few hours ago. Just telling you guys this so you know where I am at if I don't join ts or anything for a few days. Everyone please cherish your loved ones and wear a mask because it does save lives, I'll be back in a few days ❤️

  23.  ⚠️ Arma is on sale for 8$. The DLCs also are on sale so I recommend getting them if you don't have it. 

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