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Everything posted by bigPat

  1. I will play with you! We will burn Kavala to the ground!
  2. sorry to whatever BFO member this is. https://gyazo.com/54173238fbd92465d3dd9ed4c10b64b5

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bigPat


      Then don't worry about it then. 

    3. Fuzz^


      not even on full auto and halfway in combat stance  

    4. Vcx


      1 hour ago, platinumfire said:

      ^neither do i 

      Its BigFat what do you expect he shat on a kid with a MX tazer and hes a god all of a sudden what can i say 

  3. i feel as this is a waste of devs time.
  4. I like to rob cops of there gear then sell it.
  5. Wheres the OG Taxi Marty been? 

  6. apparently they spent half restart getting it there.
  7. aids ass Falcon grew up, changed for the better. I'm sure you will do great in life! 07 bud
  9. I have an armed prowler, at least 10 MXs, over 100 MX mags, and around 20 stones I am looking to sell. I also have some tear gas grenade rounds.
  10. WTS Armed Prowler. hmu with offer

  11. @TheCmdrRex @OutCast @Plumber @Dante
    Can we please have some SR APD have one of those training sessions, like they had back in the good ole days, because some of these deputies needing it.
    I would be happy to help with it. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigPat


      Obviously I don't have the status to put this together, but I would be willing to be there and speak for some of the things I have been running into with the newer deputies.

    3. i win

      i win

      Deputies? Dude 80% of POs are vigis with free gear. Had one run around me earlier screaming "roleplay, roleplay" as loud as he could. In all seriousness that's the best RP I've seen in weeks :/

    4. bigPat


      I don't see as many issues with POs, but the training session could be for all ranks that are lacking certain skill sets that are required to keep things together in a combat or more hectic situation. 

  12. https://gyazo.com/af473d6cb4f341efc2aa322176e45a65 Offers
  13. this guy is dumb af
  14. Behind office building near square. Make offers. https://gyazo.com/80f23499d9021e2ebce53009671c5bad
  15. Anyone need some HDMI cables cheap? hmu

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