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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. 15 mill
  2. @Poseidon I want some Wendy's now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. iPopsicle


      Just had the chicken nuggets and frosty +1

    3. JoeL


      ignis I just and paid $11 for 20 nuggets and a medium frie. I could've gotten 50 nuggets for 10

    4. silver
  3. 10 piece with there sweet & sour. S&S isn't as good as McDonald's but it's alright.
  4. They have a thing called the family chicken nugget bucket. $9.99 you get 50 nuggets. Ive gotten two before lol.
  5. Luckily I live right down the street from one. kinda sick of it after eating 100 of them.
  6. I've eaten 100 chicken nuggets from Wendy's in a weekend 50 on Friday 50 on Sunday.
  7. modqued forever.
  8. Im not gonna give you $90
  9. Wanting to buy server 2 Kavala rebel houses/garages and Dp25 3-4 craters.

    Will spend a lot of $$$

    1. Ventar


      I have a 3 crater silly

  10. Rangefinders don't boost your aim buddy. ;))
  11. Can't wait to get 60k off my ifrits!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Goodman


      3 hours ago, bigSMOKE said:

      you must not have played in a while, they are bringing great new things for fighting to the server, new cartels a war zone type rebel, everything is much better right now and I've had more fun fighting then I ever had 

       Don't you know? Cartel and gang life is dead! 

    3. JoeL


      Realistically it is 

    4. Linka


      so let's be honest gang life is dead the new cartels aren't bringing it back the old fights are just a fantasy so everyone saying that there are fights aren't wrong because they haven't experienced good fights yet 

  12. Absolutely not.
  13. Not really hype for something I've always had :/ but go ahead.
  14. So how do I stop black screens?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlackJack


      I used to get them all the time as well as texture bug . I changed some parameter stuff and I dont get any anymore havent got one in like 5 days. https://gyazo.com/37779e93ecf03ab949c802c647dc4f1f  <<<< Change your stuff to that & u shouldnt get them anymore this has also helped other people.

    3. JoeL


      22 hours ago, BlackJack said:

      I used to get them all the time as well as texture bug . I changed some parameter stuff and I dont get any anymore havent got one in like 5 days. https://gyazo.com/37779e93ecf03ab949c802c647dc4f1f  <<<< Change your stuff to that & u shouldnt get them anymore this has also helped other people.

      Is there a different way I should do this if I have a i7 6700k?

    4. BlackJack


      No but u will have to do it differently if u have 8 cores 

  15. I mean best thing is Shadowplay but there is programs like OBS and PlaysTv.
  16. :(


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Produs


      7 minutes ago, savage (; said:

      Fuck aslyum shit server


    3. Dejay


      must have been right before you got blacklisted over there as well

    4. JoeL


      I got banned forever.

  17. JoeL


    30-6 Tough choice...
  18. Can we get this to 1k likes?

    1. Grenade65


      Can we at least get it to one like?

  19. Can we get this to 1k likes?

  20. For 4 months probably like 600-700. I actually have no idea at all but id assume its like like $200+ per month just for the server itself. Ik our expenses all together per month are like $600 that counts forums, ts, etc.
  21. Reply to this with a good reason why and ill buy you a $15 game just because I have it in my steam wallet lol. 

    Ill chose the best answer.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Danger
    3. JoeL


      @Danger I'll buy you the game if Peter doesn't want it. 

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